FlaminGeos - Prank (Pt.6)✔️

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In which you do a prank on your boyfriend Geo that you're breaking up with him

Y/N's POV•

I raised my glance to the camera and devilishly grinned.

I began to tap my fingers together. "Oh Y/N nation...." I trailed off. "I don't think you guys are ready for this." I laughed.

"Today I will be pranking my boyfriend Geo with the 'I'm breaking up with you prank' ." I put quotations around my words. "Now before you guys go Y/N that's mean," I mimicked the fans. "Y'all have been seeing how much Geo has been getting me, with the drug, cheating and flirting with another girl prank." I listed off all what Geo has tricked me into believing.

"So today I'mma call him by his first name so he knows I'm serious and be like 'Juwany...I just can't anymore' ." I mocked my voice in a high pitch.

"So I am currently at my house and I invited Geo over, he thinks we're going to chill or whatever but really I'm going to drop the bomb on him. So he's on his way now and I'm finna go set up the cameras." I told the one camera in my hand and set the rest up.

"I don't know what I'm going to tell him we're breaking up for because there's not really anything that we would break up for...." I thought. "We'll figure it out." I waved off the camera.

I heard the doorbell ring and I froze.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I muttered still turning on the other cameras. "Bae?" Geo called from behind the door. "Coming!" I answered rushing over to the door. I gave the cameras one final wink before opening the door with a neutral look on my face.

"Hey---what's wrong?" Geo began to greet me but was focused on my plain, emotionless face. "Nothing, I'm fine." I spoke walking away from the door and to the couch. "When a girl says nothing and I'm fine in the same sentence it's never good." Geo sighed sitting down next to me after closing and locking the door.

Just to add extra effect, I scooted away from him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why did you just scoot away?" He asked. "Because I don't want to sit by you." I spat having his eyes widen.

Someone give me a Grammy.

"Why?" He softly asked ignoring my tone. "Because I don't want to be anywhere near you." I said. "We're dating..." Geo spoke slowly as if that was supposed to make me understand. "Yeah that's the problem." I sighed. "What do you mean that's the problem?" Geo interrogated me. "I mean--" I spoke putting emphasis on the word mean, "The problem is us dating. We need to break up." I stated plainly.

"I'm sorry, what? I don't think I heard you when you said 'We need to break up' ." Geo fiddled with his ears and leaned in closer so he could hear. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"We need to break up." I spoke louder and slower. "Is this a prank? Where's the camera?" Geo asked and started looking around. "This is not a prank." I told him bringing his eyes back to me so they could stop looking for the camera and possibly finding it.

"Y/N what the hell do you mean we need to break up?!" Geo ranted standing up.

"This, Us," I gestured in between us. "Is too much work. We are both really busy and we never have any time for each other. But it's mostly you because every time I try to spend time with you, we can't hang because you're busy." I put quotes around the word busy.

"Bullshit!" Geo shouted. "Every time you ask me to hang out I drop whatever I'm doing and rush over to you like it's the last time I'm going to see you." Geo retorted his voice booming and authorative.

He's got a point.

"You always say 'Babe I can't, I have YouTube this and YouTube that' ." I mimicked his voice while putting air- quotation marks around the word YouTube with my fingers.

"That is my job! What do you expect me to do? I hang out with you as much as I can! And why do you keep putting air-quotation marks over YouTube?" He asked. "Because I don't think you actually are doing YouTube." I mimicked again with my fingers.

"So then what am I doing? Enlighten me." He gestured around himself. "I don't know you tell me. You're probably hanging out with other girls in behind my back." I mumbled.

"What?!" Geo screeched. "You heard me. And by the way you reacted it seems as if my thoughts were correct." I triumphantly stated.

"I'm reacting like this because you have never acted like this before and you just accused me of something I didn't do," Geo snapped. "I will never and wouldn't cheat on you." He finished. "Could've fooled me." I scoffed. "Where the hell are you getting all of this from?" Geo demanded.

"The way you act!" I answered him. "You never pay attention to me anymore. You're always on your phone. It's like there's someone else occupying your mind." I shrugged nonchalantly as if I wasn't accusing my boyfriend of three years of cheating.

"Oh my God." Geo rubbed his face and tugged at his hair in frustration.

Damn that was hot...


I snapped out of my trance and put an emotionless face on once more.

"Y/N I am not cheating on you, when did you start thinking this?" He asked. "I've been feeling like this for a while." I lied. "How long?" Geo pushed. "Like some months now." I lied once more.

Geo shook his head and began pacing around the room. "3 and 1/2 years Y/N." Geo sighed. "3 and 1/2 years." He scoffed to himself.

"Y/N, we've been together for 3 and 1/2 years and no you just want to throw it down the drain like that? No, I refuse to let our relationship to fall to ashes. We could get couples counseling for the lack-of-attention I give you and have them sort it out for all I care. Y/N I just want to be with you. We are not breaking up and this relationship isn't going down without a fight. I love you and the last three years that came along with you too much to let that go because they were the best years of my life and without you they'd have meant nothing to me. I---" Geo ranted but was cut off by me placing my lips on his.

He easily melted into my touch and kissed me back. Realizing what was going on he pulled away and looked frantic.

"You just said you wanted to break up why are you---" Geo trailed off but closed his mouth when I pointed his head in the direction of the main camera in the living room.

"It's a prank nigga!" I screeched pushing his face. "Bruh." He huffed. "I got you, I got you, I got you." I sang dancing around Geo in a circle.

"Had me all the way fucked up." Geo mumbled when I went to retrieve the camera. "I was finna go home and cry my eyes out." He laughed when I brought the camera to him. "Awww, well I do have that affect on people." I flipped my hair causing Geo to roll his eyes at my cockiness.

I laughed and closed the video out. "Bye guys!" I waved at the camera after doing my outro.

We ended up cuddling on the couch for the rest of day not wanting to let each other go.

"Just so you know you're not allowed to break up with me." Geo mumbled as his head rested on the top of mine which was on his chest.

"I know, and the same goes for you." I told him fiddling with his fingers. "Just making sure," he nodded. "Because I'm in this for the long run." He finished.

"Me too. Pinky." I stated holding my pinky out. He linked pinkies with mine and kissed them.

"Now it's settled."







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