Nash Grier - Kid Cock-Blocks✔️

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In which you and your husband Nash Grier always get cock-blocked by your kids

Y/D/N: your daughter's name
Y/S/N: your son's name


I was laying on the bed with my back turned when I felt the bed dip and an arm wrap around my waist. I then felt soft kisses being placed on my neck. "Are you in the mood?" Nash whispered nibbling at my earlobe.

A soft moan fell from my lips and I bit it to suppress anything else from coming out.

"I don't know you tell me" I teased him moving my head to give him more access.

Before we could continue the door burst open causing us to jump away from each other. "M-mommy" Nash and I's 3 year old daughter hiccuped tears streaming down her caramel colored face.

"Aww baby what's wrong?" I quickly got up from the bed hearing a groan from Nash. I shot him a glare and picked Y/D/N up.

"I had a b-bad d-dream"she struggled getting the words out as I walked her over to the bed sitting her on my lap. "You wanna tell us about it sweetie?" I asked putting a piece of her curly hair behind her ear, looking into her big tear filled orbs.

"M-mhm" she nodded nimbly. "Me y-you and daddy were at the park when this man came up and took me away from you and daddy" she mumbled her thumb in her mouth.

"Aww baby, no one's ever gonna you away from us" Nash reassured her rubbing her back. "Y-you promise?" She asked looking at him. "I pinky promise" he held out his pinkie and she linked it with the pinkie that wasn't occupied by her mouth.

"You wanna sleep with us tonight?" I asked her bringing her attention back to me. Once again she nodded nimbly tears still streaming down her face and climbed into the bed with us.

She cuddled into my night gown gripping onto the fabric and I wrapped my arms around her tiny frame. Nash cuddled close wrapping his arms around mine and eventually we all fell asleep.

Next Day

I was in the kitchen making breakfast and when I was done I shut the stove off. Before moving I stood still when arms snaked around my waist from behind. I bit my lip when I felt his hands trail farther down my body and soon on my core. I inhaled a sharp breath, feeling his fingers tease my area.

"You wanna finish what we started last night?" He whispered softly into my ear. "Yeah" I breathed out.

He quickly turned me around and pinned me to the counter top. He then brought his head down bringing our lips together in a chaste kiss.

We began to eagerly kiss each other and his hands were placed on either side of me trapping me.Our tounges dancing wildly in each other's mouths. My hands went to grip his hair but we bother froze in place when we heard little footsteps on the tile of the floor.

"What's mommy and daddy doing?" Our 4 year old son asked. "I don't know" Y/D/N said equally as confused.

"Daddy what are you and mommy doing?" Y/S/N questioned. "Er...." Nash moved away from me. "Uh you see kids, mommy had something on her, uh face and I was trying to get it off" Nash lied to 4 and 3 year old trying to play it off. A snort almost erupted my lips and I covered my mouth. Nash scowled at me and turned back to our kids.

"Oh, okay" they said in unison hesitantly.

Day After That

"I think we're finally free" Nash stated smiling smugly locking the door. I smirked as he hovered over me on the bed. He dipped his head down and began to nibble and suck on my neck. I sucked in a breath and lightly tugged on his hair causing a groan to erupt from his chest.

We were once again interrupted by our kids jiggling the door handle. "Okay that's it!" Nash exclaimed hopping off of me and walking towards the door unlocking it and flinging it open to reveal our kids who stood in the doorway.

Nash picked them both up and threw them over his shoulder. "Family meeting!" He called firmly while walking down the stairs with our giggling children. I chuckled as well following after them.

Nash was seated on one of the couches as well as the kids. I sat next to Nash who was facing the kids. "Okay kids so you know mommy and daddy love each other very much right?" He said stressing the word very.

"Yesss" they answered in unison. "Okay well sometimes mommy and daddy like to show their affection to each other so they want alone time to do so" he told them. "What is af-wect-son?" Y/D/N mispronounced the word slowly. "It's when you show the person you love how you feel about them" Nash explained.

"Ohhh" they cooed in unison. "So from now on when you guys see mommy and daddy's door closed knock if it is an emergency.
Instead of just walking in. You are allowed to come in if the door is open okay?" Nash asked. "Yes sir" the kids answered.

"Now me and mommy" Nash started grabbing my hand and standing up. "And our door will be closed ,so what does that mean?" He questioned for confirmation. "To not come in unless it's an emewency and knwock" Y/S/N answered. "Good job" he praised them. "Now I'm going to go teach mommy a lesson for teasing me the other day" he said and threw me over his shoulder.

"Nash!" I gasped laughing smacking his back.

"Are you gonna spank mommy?" Y/D/N gasped. "Yes , because mommies been a very bad girl" Nash answered beginning to walk out of the room.

"Oooh mommy!" The kids said in unison. Nash began trotting up the stairs with me still on his shoulder. "Put me down!" I laughed as we entered my room. "Okay then" Nash smirked throwing me down onto the bed.

He closed and locked the door ,tackling me .

Let's just say, I learned my lesson that night.




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