I Did This?

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Hi. I am CeCe. I am only 4'7. I have big blue eyes and long brown hair. Me and Charles lived together. We have been best friends from 9th grade till now. I always had this little crush on him. I moved out when he married Alli but I come over a lot.

They have been married for 2 years but they fight a lot. I am over right now.

"Please come! Please!" Charles said vogging me.

"Stop throwing skittles at me!"

"Then go!"

"If I go will you stop!"

"Fine fine fine! I will just stop!" I said. He laughed!

"Always throw skittles to get your way!"

"Unless you want you ass kicked!" I yelled before he shut off his camera. I was at the table. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Why did you want me to go? Isn't Alli going on tour with you?"

"No..."He said kinda upset.

"Charles? Are you okay?"

"No." He said laying his head on the table. He looked like he was gonna cry. I stated to rub his back.

"What's the matter?"I asked very concern.

"Me and Alli are getting a divorced." He said as he crying. I stood up an walked to Charles and Alli's room. I knocked.

"Come in!" She said.

"Alli? Are you okay? Charles told me." She turned around. She was crying. I went to give her a hug but she pushed me away. Why did she push me way?

"No I am not! Were getting a divorce because of you! Your gonna steal him from me or have him cheat on me!"

"No I am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Listen Alli. Charles is like a brother to me and you like his girlfriend but a wife. What I mean is I wanna be close to you like sisters are to there brothers wife or girlfriends." I said. She rolled her eyes and went back to packing. I give up. I walk back to Charles and he's sitting on the floor with the girls crying. I walk up and give him a hug. He cries on my shoulder.

"CeCe? Can you get my-"

"I know I know. You on chemo again." I said getting up and walking over to the bathroom. I grabbed what he need and a glass of water. Then Alli came out.

"Goodbye Charles. Chico!"

"Do you see what your doing to this poor man over something stupid."

"Listen CeCe. It's not stupid and I know it's gonna happen. I don't wanna be around when it does." With that she walked out the door and got in to her car.

"Bitch..." I said. I heard Charles giggle.

(Charles pov)

"Bitch..." CeCe said about Alli. I giggled and did my chemo for the night.

"CeCe? Can you move back in? I don't wanna be alone."

"Charles I have a dog now. Are Zoey and Marley gonna get along with him?"

"We can try."

"Okay tomorrow we will but I gotta get home to my dog. Will you be okay? tonight?"

"I think so."

"If no just call me until I answer." She said giving me a hug. She grabbed her keys and left. I walked her to the door and waited until she got in to her car. She so cute. No Charles! Bad Charles! You can't like your best friend after you wife just left you. But she's just so perfect. Charles! Stop!

I closed the door and walked to my bed and went to sleep. Who am I kidding I can't sleep.


Short chapter but it's only the beginning.

I hope you like it!






-Renee <3

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