17. (END)

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Jimin and Jungkook's relationship was getting better and better as months passed by. The two were basically never apart from eachother. They finally got the happiness they needed.

Although they went through some hard ships in their lives they can't say that this wasn't worth it. Their gaurdians were super supportive of the relationship and that's all the two could ask for.

Jm and Jk haven't heard from Taehyung nor Yoongi. It's not like they care or anything they were probobly sucking each others dicks for sure. They plan to keep it that way, not knowing what Tae or Yoongi were doing. The reason behind that is they don't want drama or them to ruin their happy relationship.

Currently Jimin in Jungkook were with their gaurdians. They were having a small picnic at the park. They were laughing and telling jokes to eachother. It was a good moment for all of them. As they were eating and enjoying the view Jimin's uncle stood up.

They all turned to face him. He took a sip of his water and then began talking.
"I would like to make an announcement especially to Jimin."
At this point they had put their drinks and food down waiting for him to continue.

"Jimin, for the longest time you haven't talked to your parents or seen them. I know you like it this way but at the end of the day they are still your parents and they still love you deeply." His uncle added.

"If they loved me then why did they let me go?" Jimin was quick to reply. He never really liked to talk about his parents after they left him.

"Because it wasn't my choice."
They all turned their head to the owner of the voice. Jimin's eyes widened as he stood up quickly. He remembered hearing that voice one day when his uncle was on the phone. It was his mom.

"Mom?" Jimin's eyes teared up as she walked closer. Next to his mom he saw a boy who seemed younger than him. It is possible it could be his brother.

"Hi Jimin."

Jm couldn't understand weather he mad or happy seeing them. There was only one word that came out of his mouth.
"Why?" Tears running down his cheeks.

"Baby it wasn't my choice. It really wasn't believe me. I would never even think about leaving you or hurting you ever in my life. It was your dad. He was the one who came up with the idea. Every time I tried to stop him he would hurt me or push me. I was nothing compared to him. So he gave you to your uncle because he didn't want a kid, he despised them. But 2 years later he r-raped me and got me pregnant. And so I turned him into the police when I had the chance and they took him. I couldn't see you because I couldn't get in contact with your uncle, and when I did I believe you were 17 Old enough to understand what happened and I thought you hated me so I left it like that. I'm sorry for giving up on you. I really am."
His mother finished as she was in tears as well.

There was silence around them all of them didn't know how to react or what to do. Jimin ran up to her and gave her and his brother a big hug. It all made sense by now. He had never heard of his father. Not once did his uncle bring him up.

Moments later all of them were seen eating together and talking. Jimin's mom even met Jungkook. She was surprised that he had a boyfriend but was quick to accept it and hoped the best for them.

It was soon midnght. They had a great day. From catching up with eachother to making laughable memories. They were laying in the grass staring at the sky, like those scenes in movies. Jimin and Jungkook cuddled each other.

They were staring at eachother but somehow that turned into a make out session.
"GET A ROOM!" People around them said as the two were startled. They all laughed it off.

Soon they were all at Jimin's place. His brother was playing with Jimin's video games in his room while the grown ups were talking about grown up nonsense. At Jimin and Jungkook were seen in his Jm's uncle's room.

They were giggling and fighting with eachother. It soon got intense it seemed like a wrestling match. They were throwing things at eachother. It soon came to end when Jungkook threw a pillow and broke uncle's vase.

They jumped at the sudden noise as jungkook chuckled lightly before kissing jimin on the lips which shocked him even more than before.

"It's all your fault." Jimin whispered in the kiss.

"I know" Jungkook replied.

"BOYS BE CAREFUL!"  the parents screamed.

The End.

The end of a journey means,
The start another one.

Well, that's it. I want to give a big thank you to everyone who read and voted for this story it really means a lot to me. Thank you for the nice feedback as well but I want to know what did you guys think about this story? Please let me know other than that thank you again and stay tuned because just like the qoute said,

The end of a journey means The start of ANOTHER ONE;)


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