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Hey, my name is park Jimin... I suffer from anxiety and... Insomnia.

Do I belive in the love? HELL NO.

I'm 19 years old. I tend to get bullied a lot because of my illness, people at my school have been bullying me ever since I was a freshmen.

I've tried to forget about but it's so hard. So hard that I've given up in my pills. People would sometimes come up to me and say they'd like to help me out.

But they think they're qualified to treat me. Which isn't happening.

You may be wondering why the hell I'm writing this. Even though you might not give a fuck I'm writing this because I'm ending it all today.

I'm not asking for anyone's sympothy, I'm asking for a change of heart in the people at my school.


As Jimin was about to pull the trigger his uncle called him.

"Jimin? You're neighbor is here!"

"Great, just what I needed." He said annoyed as he was walking to the front door.

"Jiminie! How have you been?!" Jungkook said cheerfuly as he hugged jimin.

"GOD I HATE THIS KID!" Jimin's said in his mind



Look, I get it Jimin probably hates me. I know he wants to disappear from this world but I can't let him.

  Not when he's the reason I wake up every morning.


The sleeping pills don't work
The healing pills don't work
I still feel pain with the pain pills and now those same pills don't work.

Careful | Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now