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"What if I told you I like you?"

*Jungkook's P.O.V*

My eyes widen, my cheecks start heating up, my body tenses up a little, my eyes avert from him. I couldn't it believe it. He likes me? After everything that's happened. After everything I believed he hated me. I take a big gulp before answering.

"Y-You like m-m-e?" God dammit why am I studdering?! He giggles a little before nodding his head. I pretty sure that I could no longer breath normally. It feels as if the whole world froze. "Jungkook?!" I jump a little and snap back to reality. "

"Uhm yeah?" I reply. "So yeah, I like you, I think I should go." He says and stands up after. I can't let him leave, this could be my only chance to make him mine. I grab his wrist, "W-wait Jimin." He looks at me with his eyebrow raised waiting for my answer.

"I-I like you too" I say as my cheeks turn a bright shade of pink. "Oh really?" He says smirking. Is is he teasing me right now? "Okay now you're just teasing me aren't you?" I say and he laughs.

That laugh. There it is, that's the thing I've been missing. Everytime he laughs my heart flutters. But it feels right? I smile at him back. Trying not to make anything awkward as I look  at my watch. 2:30 A.M, I then look outside. It's very dark. I don't think it'd be safe driving at the time like this.

I notice the room got quieter. He grabbed his keys and was walking out the door, he was leaving. I can't risk him getting hurt or getting into an accident. So I have no other choice then to ask him to stay. I'm not complaining tho.

"Uh so I assume you're leaving huh?" I scratch the back of my head. "Yeah I better get going it's already late." He sighs. "Why don't you just stay?" He looks at me confused. "Stay? What for?" He asks. "Well I assume you must be tired right? It's also not good to drive while being tired something bad could happen. So why not stay here?" He thinks for a moment and looks at me while crossing his arms.

"You have me convinced." He says and I smile. "But I'm also not tired Jungkook. A person like you should know that I don't sleep until 5 remeber?" It take me a while before I finally understood what he ment. His insomnia. I laugh nervously "oh right, so would you like to watch a movie in my room?" I ask him. To be honest that kinda sounded weird. At least he agreed and didn't take it the wrong way.

*Authors P.O.V*

As the two were watching a movie and eating some snacks together. They kept getting closer and closer. Every minute they would scoot a little closer towards eachother. This went on until there was no more personal space between them.

They continued eating there snacks like nothing happened. But were they really focused on the movie? They were in Jungkook's bed, Jungkook's blankets over then with no personal space between them. Would you really think they would be focused in the movie?

For Jimin the movie was getting kind of boring for him. He wasn't tired he just didn't get what was going on. He was looking around and smirked when an idea popped up in his head.

Jungkook on the other hand enjoying the movie eating all of the snacks didn't really mind about how close he was with Jimin. He enjoyed it actually. He was watching the screen when he suddenly felt and hand brushing threw arm sliding down it. He almost choked on the piece of popcorn and looked down.

Jimin was holding his hand. Interlocking their fingers Jungkook couldn't find the air to breath. He looked over at Jimin but he was looking at the screen like nothing happened. He looked back at the screen too also pretending like nothing happened.

For the two of them it was a special moment. They locked their hands with one and other while smiling to themselves. This is what they needed all along.


And I understand.

I understand why people hold hands: I'd always thought it was about possessiveness, saying that, 'This is mine'. But it's about maintaining contact. It is about speaking without words. It is about I want you with me and don't go. Please.

The End is near......

758 words.

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