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Jimin was pacing back and forth in his room. The conversation that he had just had with Yoongi made him hurt. But not only that it made him feel bad for Jungkook too. Does he know that this is happening?

He was pacing back and forth because he was thinking wether or not he should go tell Jungkook, it wasn't easy though. He was scared because if he did go to Jk's house he would probably end up crying in front of him.

Would jungkook even want him to show up? Would he tell him to leave? Does he still care about jm the way jm cares about jk? The more he kept pacing back and forth the more questions would appear.

He didn't know what to do. This whole situation got him shaking and scared. He decided to do what's right. Talk to it with someone. You may be wondering who? He has no one left. But then again he still lives with his uncle so why not?

He walked down the hall into his uncle's office. "Hey uncle" he said.

"Oh hey buddy, I haven't heard from you in a while what's up? His uncle replied.

"I came here to ask for some advice." The more words that came out from Jimin's mouth the more nervous he became.

"Sure thing. What kind of advice?"
His uncle said while finally gave eye contact to Jimin. The eye contact gave jimin the chills.

For a while neither of them said a thing...it felt like the atmosphere changed.

"Hahaha!" His uncle cracked up hearing the word coming from Jimin's mouth.

"What's so funny? I'm being serious!"

"Alright alright I'll help you but I was just shocked that you out of all the people you would be the one concerned about love." His uncle said

You could tell by the more time they wasted the more Jimin started to get pissed.

"Ok Jimin, I'm done laughing, calm down, what's this about anyways?" Uncle replied.

"Well... It about fighting for love I guess you could put it that way." Jimin said.

"Alright continue."

"Well, it all started a couple months ago. I'm pretty sure you remember Jungkook. Well we used to be so close. Just the two of us, nobody else. What we had was something I couldn't share with anybody else. But I'm guessing he didn't feel the same way of me so we made a new friend. By the name of Yoongi. He seemed nice at first. Always knew how to make us smile and everything, but he's so good at acting because one day it was all three of us together all happy but the next day it's him taking jk from me. It was unfair, I don't even know if jungkook even noticed what yoongi was doing. Yoongi already knew I had feelings for jungkook from the start and he accepted it. But apparently it was one of his acts because next thing you know they are flirting and dating. It hurt me so bad."
Jimin said taking a deep breath trying not to cry.

"Oh jimin, I'm sorry i-" his uncle couldn't finish what he was trying to say because jimin wasn't done talking.

"But that's not even the worst part. I met a what I thought was a good guy but wasn't one after all. He made me get out of the trance of jk and Yoongi. His name is taehyung, him and I had a good bond. It was almost as if it wad unbreakable. The bond later turned out to be even more than that. Yes, we dated, I was slightly happy I guess. He made me feel so happy and I thought he deserves the world but one day I got home and I texted him. I haven't heard from him for a long time so I decided to check up on him. But what I recived wasn't him. It was Yoongi, Jungkook's boyfriend. I was hurt. Not only because tae was cheating on me but because Yoongi has been toying jk around for several months. I don't even know if jk even realizes what's happening. But now I want to him to know." Jimin said the last part softly.

"Then tell him." His uncle said straight out.

"That's the problem! I can't! I'm nervous that he'll push me away just like I did to him. I need to apologise to him but I'm scared to because....."

"Because why Jimin? Is there a chance you still love jungkook?" His uncle asked.

Jimin didn't say anything. Instead he nodded. He was on the verge of crying. He didn't want his uncle to see him like that.

"So you do? Well Jimin if I was in your place I would be pretty nervous too ya know. But you also have to realize that jungkook still might not know what's going on, yoongi could still be playing with him and no one knows. No one expect you Jimin. You can be there to stop Yoongi. Then you can tell jk how you feel about him. If He rejects you just be proud that you at least tried and you did what you most feared. I believe that somewhere out there, there is someone waiting to accept your love Jimin. Do you expect it to come knocking on your door? No...go out there look for HIM. he may be closer than you think."

His uncle replied in a soft voice hoping that jimin was listening since not once did jimin look up.

"I'm scared though." Those were the words jimin could only say.

"Do something everyday that scares you...soon you won't be scared of nothing." His uncle replied smiling.

"Fine, I'll do it." Jimin replied getting up.

"I'll do it for you uncle."

"No....do it for yourself after all you are the one who loves jungkook after all." Winked his uncle.

They are many things I would like to say to you
But I don't know how.

Remember when I said I was ready to post a lot? Well that was a good joke jk😂

1028 words.

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