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It's officially been a month now since Jk and Jm have talked. But that isn't the only thing that's official, unfortunately Jk and yoongi are a "thing" now.

Jimin doesn't seem why he cares or why he still does. It's been a month now, shouldn't he be over him?

For a person like Jimin who's way to good at goodbyes should have already let this past him. But he can't, not when he has finally felt something....something other than pain.

The past 30 days Jungkook has been trying to contact Jimin but he's quick to dodge all his offers.

Jimin's P.O.V

Currently I'm in my room alone. Packing my things in my backpack, I've decided to take summer school. I thought it would be the best thing for me.

I though maybe it could take my mind of the fake people around me, the people that said we'd be forever but then suddenly leave.

Where are the real friends at? I wonder where there all hiding out.
Today is the first day of summer school. I would like to start of fresh. No more old Jimin but an improved one.

Time skip~

I was walking to my class... Hoping I wouldn't see the two "lovebirds". I wouldn't want to finish summer school if they were here.

I walked into my class fortunately there was no sign of the two. I sat next to this kid who seemed friendly...hopefully.

"Hi my name is taehyung it's nice to meet you" he said with his..I want to say box smile.

"Hey, the name is Jimin and yes it is a pleasure to meet you" I say smiling back.

The lesson had started right away this was a review of what we had learned during the whole entire high school. I thought it wasn't a bad choice to join summer school, at least I won't have to start saving up for college any time soon.

Throughout the day I kept feeling stares at me. I didn't want to look at what it was because I'm afraid of it could be... A person perhaps by the name of Jeon Jungkook.

And so I did. I looked at it.... And it's like god wants me to suffer because it was him.

*Author's P.O.V*

It was dark time, Jimin was getting ready to go to bed but suddenly heard his phone go off.



I want to make this quick...but why have you been ignoring me this past month did I do something wrong?

You know Yoongi right?

Of course I do!! He's my best friend. Why?

Exactly.... He's your best friend..
You don't need me anymore.


You meet someone.
You two get so close.
It's all great for awhile.
Then someone stops trying.
Talk less. Akward conversations.
                  The drifting.
No communication whatsoever.
Memories start to fade.
Then the person you know
Becomes the person you KNEW.
That's how it usually goes, right?
                     Sad isn't it.

Careful | Jikook FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin