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The days went by so fast. Both Jimin and Jungkook have been hanging out more and have gotten more attention from others at the school.

So much that they've even made a new friend by the name of yoongi. He's nice to Jimin, he makes him feel a lot more comfortable to talk to people than he was with out him.

Jimin thinks Yoongi is a great guy, all fun and games, is there for the two, and doesn't leave one another out.

Although it may seem like this friendship of 3 was destined to be. There's always that one problem each friendship faces. Loyalty.


*Jimin's P.O.V

All three of us were heading down to get something to eat because we were starving, I expected a really good conversation between all of us but it's hard to even concentrate because Yoongi was flirting with Jungkook the whole time.

Not that it bothers me or anything....Right?

"I feel like I'm third wheeling right now" I chuckled trying so hard not sound like I was complaining.

I looked back down waiting for an answer but I didn't get anything from neither of them.... So I looked back up and I see yoongi giving me a death glare?

It doesn't last long though because he immediately looks back down to Jungkook. Pretending as if nothing had happened.

"Are they seriously leaving me out at this moment?" I said in my mind.

It doesn't surprise me. I knew I wasn't made for friendships.

I once again look up to the two "lovebirds" who are laughing and feeding eachother. I look around and see that everybody is having a good time. All of them laughing like happy little kids, something I don't think I never got to experience.

It was getting to the point where it was just too much for me to even fake being happy so I got up and left them without saying a word.

*Jungkook's P.O.V

Yoongi and I were talking when I suddenly see Jimin walk out, I guess he was going to the bathroom. My eyes didn't leave his back, it looks like he wasn't going to the bathroom at all. More like he was leaving?

I was staring at him for a while wondering why he was leaving so early without saying goodbye or even telling us why. I was in deep thought when I felt my chin being pulled?

It was yoongi. He seemes mad. The type of mad you get when you are having a bad day or when you're jealous.

"Look yoongi, today has been a nice day, all of this I appreciate much but I think Jimin was right. He did seem left out and I feel bad so-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because Yoongi cut me off.

"Yeah yeah. You know what maybe we should just let him be, he's probably having a bad day. Do you want to come over?" He asked with no expression.

I was left confused but I didn't want to start anything so I whispered an "okay" then we headed off.

*Author P.O.V

It was getting dark. Jimin was in his room waiting for a text from jungkook. But nothing....nothing is what he got. He waited for hours just to get a text from his best friend. He knew Jk's phone wasn't dead because he was posting pictures of him and yoongi all over his social media.

"Have i seriously made the mistake of trusting people again?" He said in low tone.


Oh, I'm sorry....
I actually thought you meant what you promised
Silly me.

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