Romancing in LA

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“Don’t be so surprised to see me love” Zayn said as he stuck his hand out to help me up.

“Thanks” I murmured as I got up from the ground.

“What are you doing here!?” Zayn asked a little over excited.

“Um, working” I said uninterested. All I wanted to do was get my coffee and get back to work.

“Oh awesome you work in LA now?” He asked as I tried walking away.

“Um yea. Listen Zayn as much as I would like to finish this whole conversation, I have to get back to work.”

“Oh uh, yea sure!” Zayn said as I walked away. I was just about to walk into Starbucks when I heard Zayn call my name again. “Wait Frankie!”

“What?” I said getting annoyed.

“Umm” Zayn said scratching the back of his head “It would be really nice to catch up you know. Are you still on twitter? I’ll DM you my new number and maybe we can go grab lunch tomorrow or something”

I was hesitant to answer. I really didn’t feel like trying to make a friendship work with these guys because they never work out, but the look in Zayns eyes showed me that he really meant it. “Yea sure.. Just tweet me or something” I said smiling before walking into Starbucks and finally getting some coffee in me.



“Lads you’re never going to believe who I ran into before” I said as I walked into the recording booth. All four boys’ heads turned up to look at me

“Demi Lovato” Niall said shoving some food in his mouth

“Nope” I said smiling

“Brad Pitt” Louis asked

“The Kardashians?” Harry guessed

“Megan Fox?” Liam finished

“No! Ah man I told you, you would never guess!” I said smiling like a fool.

The four boys were sitting around eating some sandwiches management had given us.

“Who is it then?” Liam asked

“Frankie” I simply said.

I heard both Harry and Louis cough up some food and watched as Niall and Liam’s faces turned cold.

“Frankie as in Hawaii and London Frankie?!” Niall started

“Frankie as in don’t lie to me Frankie?” Liam added

“Frankie as in mine and Harry’s Frankie?” Louis finished

I simply nodded my head and watched as the boys faces fell.

None of us kept in touch with either Frankie or Kayla throughout the past years. It started to become hard with all the love triangles that were formed. Harry especially, would freeze up with even the mention of her name. If someone were to ask about any Frankie, Harry would tighten up and stay like that until he felt comfortable.

“What is she doing here!? She doesn’t live in California does she?” Louis asked scratching his head.

“She told me she works here now. I’m gonna DM her on twitter and have lunch with her one of these days. You should all co-“

“No Zayn” Harry interrupted before I could finish. “I don’t think having Frankie back in our lives would be the best thing”

“Oh please Haz, Frankie was one of the best things that happened to you and you let her go” Liam said to the younger boy.

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