Who Are One Direction?

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The next morning I promised my mom and dad we would have breakfast with them, so Kayla and I got up at 10 to go down to the buffet and have food with my mom and dad.

"So girls how do you like the vacation so far?" My mom asked as we ate our food.

"Didn’t get kicked out by any body guard’s right?" my dad said laughing

"No!" Kayla and I joked back

"So what have you girl been doing?" my mom asked

"Well, we found the celebrity that was here, it’s some British band from X-Factor" I told them "We went to the beach and the pool, just hung around." Kayla added

"Meet anyone new?" my dad asked

"Yea. We met Harry and Niall, they've been keeping us safe" Kayla said blushing

"Boys?! Not allowed" my dad joked "You know what Frankie, last night we saw a girl that looked just like you down at the beach"

"Yea that was probably me and Harry. He took me out to dinner" I said nonchalantly.

"Some bodies got a boyfriend" my mom teased

"NO!”  I said blushing “we were just getting to know each other that's all" I said  "besides Kayla found a guy too"

"Niall?" my dad asked "He is so yum Joe" Kayla said eating her toast. “So yum.” My mom and dad laughed then went to the pool while Kayla and I went back up to our room to talk and get ready for our day.  ~ Once in the room, I told her about my night and she told me about her night. I got the inside scoop of her and Niall. She told me they kissed and all that good stuff.  I was more than happy for her.

"How funny would it be if Harry and Niall were in that band and were like, famous" Kayla said randomly laughing.

"That would be hilarious, but Harry told me he couldn’t sing" I said as I tried to find something to wear.

"Niall said he could but he didn’t really do anything about it."

We sat in silence for awhile until I got up the courage to tell her about Harry. "I really like Harry"

"aww really?"

"Yea! He was nice and genuine plus he's gorgeous. I don’t know he just like made me feel.. I don’t know.” I said blushing 


"Shut up I do not love him. I just have a crush on him.. I guess" I said blushing


"Kayla really shut up" I yelled laughing

"fine, whatever.. Let’s go down to the beach"  

With that we made our way down to the beach. I noticed Harry and Niall talking to about 5 girls, I'm not going to lie when I say this but I kind of got jealous seeing Harry with other girls, which was weird because I never got jealous. "Hey look there's Niall and Harry" Kayla said pointing over to their direction

"Yea" I sighed

"Who are those girls?" Kayla said acting like she was outraged I looked at her and laughed then continued walking to the beach. We passed the boys and they looked at us, their faces looked almost scared. They both ran away from us, we looked at each other and rolled our eyes before making our way to the sandy beach.  At the beach we saw Louis and Zayn. I saw the two of them make their way over to us as we sat down on our towels. 

"Are you girls following us?" Zayn said winking

"I'm pretty sure you're following us" Kayla said laying back on her forearms

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