Romancing in LA

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Frankie POV

4 more years have passed since that awful accident back in England.  4 years filled with more things than anyone can imagine. Kayla is engaged and about 5 months pregnant with Rob. Chris moved to Italy to study cooking and stuff, so I didn’t really see him much, and me, well I’ve been lonely.  Two months after leaving England Louis and I broke up and soon after he started dating a girl named Eleanor. Our relationship never was going to last, and I guess I just accepted it and moved on. Harry and Kayla ended things right after we left, leaving me to clean up Kayla’s tears.

I haven’t seen or talked to any of the boys since then though. They would come to America but we never really met up, not like any of us wanted to anyways.  Girls on twitter still question me about my relationship with Louis and try to figure out all the drama that went on between me and Harry almost 6 years ago.

I was hurt when the boys didn’t contact us, but I guess communication works both ways.  I would always feel like I was annoying them when I would text them and they wouldn’t reply, so I just stopped doing it all together. I will always remember Harry saying how we were best friends and that no matter what I could always come to him, but I guess that was just another lie.

I get so angry when I think about all the time I spent with the boys, as crazy as I sound. I get so mad at myself for believing that I could have a real friendship or relationship with any of them.

But anyways, I recently finished all my schooling and I am now a fashion merchandiser.. who would have thought! I don’t have a big position in my company; I just buy the clothes they sell in Urban Outfitters, which I guess is a cool job.  I’m still single and ready to mingle with any living thing that passes me… yea I’m that desperate now; but I guess that’s what I get for constantly shoving every guy I meet into the friend zone, because no matter what I say, no one is ever going to compete with the love I had for….

“FRANKIE!!!” I heard Kayla scream from outside my apartment.  I opened my window and saw my pregnant, engaged best friend standing outside with a McDonald’s bag in her hand. “I’ve come bearing one of everything” She said sticking the bag up in the air.

I chuckled before buzzing her up. 

“Why don’t you ever lock this door!?” Kayla asked as she let herself in

“Because there’s nothing in this apartment anyone would want to steal”

Kayla gave me a glare before setting down her keys, bag and food. “I’m so hungry!”

“And pregnant!! Damn look at that belly!!”

“Shut up!”  Kayla said laughing while shoving some more fries in her mouth. “So tell me about this promo thing you have!”

“well..” I said egging her on and giggling. “Basically I get to intern in LA for two months. Its just buying clothes and doing whatever they need me to do.”

“What store!?”

“Gabby’s Closet… it’s like a little boutique.”

“Yea but in LA!!!” Kayla said screaming.

“Yes!! And you and Rob better be visiting me every weekend!” I replied winking

“Oh don’t worry… we will” Kayla said returning the wink.


“Francesca?” A tall pale woman asked me as I entered my new work place.

“Yes” I replied shyly.

“Hello, I’m Remmy, I’ll be your boss for the next two months”

“Nice to meet you” I replied sticking out my hand.

“Right, well I know this is your first day but we’re running a bit low on a few things, do you think you’ll be able to run out in town and grab a few things for this opening party?” Remmy asked giving me a list

“Yea, sure. Might take me a little” I said laughing “I got lost trying to find this place!”

“Take your time!” Remmy replied laughing.

“Right, well I just get on this” I said motioning to the piece of paper in my hands and turning out the small boutique.


After walking around La for the past two hours, I finally got every single thing of the list. To celebrate my accomplishment I decided that a little trip to Starbucks. As walking into the small café, I was pushed to the ground by what seemed to be a wall. To my surprise that wall was a person.. a person I knew oh too well.

“Oh man, I’m really sorry miss. Are you okay!?” the familiar accent said as he turned around and stuck his hand out.

“Frankie!?!?” he said again.

“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me”  Was all I was managed to say. 


well here is part two! 

ahh its not too great i have the ending to this already just not the middle part... 


Who Are One Direction?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora