Holiday in London

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The next night came upon us rather quickly. Of course Louis said I could bring my friends with me on the whole date. Niall obviously brought Kayla, Harry brought that girl Tanner, Zayn brought a girl named Lana, Liam has this girl named Sarah and Chris found this girl named Anna to bring. I told him he didn’t have to bring a date but he insisted on doing so.

Louis picked me, Kayla, Lana and Chris up before going to the restaurant.

"We’re meeting the rest of the guys and their dates at Raul Benofaun's restaurant, the best French dining in all of England" Louis said in a horrible French accent.

After about a 20 minute drive all made up of awkward silence, the driver finally pulled up to the restaurant.

Louis took my hand as we walked into the restaurant in front of everyone else.

"Look who decided to show up" Harry said smiling

Everyone said hello to each other and all the boys introduced their dates. It’s easy to say I felt a little insecure standing around all these beautiful people. You could see everyone staring at a different person, in not such a great way.

You had Harry, who had his eyes locked on Kayla's dress. If I do say so myself she looked gorgeous. Niall started chatting to Lana, her bubbly personality shinning through.  Liam looked mesmerized by Anna's dark hair with purple high lights, it was funny to watch him constantly toughing her hair. Zayn, I think, found his love match in Sarah. And oddly enough Chris started talking to Tanner. I think mostly because Niall stole his date.

I turned to Louis, "did everyone just ditch their dates for someone else's date."

"Yea about that Frankie," Louis said walking away, looking down at the floor. My heart was a little crushed knowing there was someone else in this room that caught Louis's eye.

Louis flirtatiously walked over to Harry and slapped his bum. I couldn’t help but laugh at the kid. He looked back over at me and smiled before sticking his hand out to pull me closer to him.

"Let’s dance" he told me

"Louis there is no music, one, and secondly there is no dance floor"

"Doesn’t mean anything" Louis said before taking my hand and slow dancing with me. It was the cheesiest most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.

Eventually our dinner came and everyone sat next to their new dates. We ate our food and talked for about an hour. Liam and Anna shared a bowl of pasta, and would sometimes eat it like Lady and the Tramp. It was amazing to see how quickly they got on with each other. Sarah and Zayn, throughout the dinner, would make sarcastic remarks about one another; acting as if they have known each other for years. Chris and Tanner kept quiet for the most part.  Niall and Lana talked about music for part of the dinner and the other part was spent with Lana making jokes for Niall to laugh at. Kayla and Harry were holding hands under the table, which to my annoyance hurt me. I don’t know why but I felt like they were both betraying me. Louis noticed and whispered in my ear  "let’s go outside"

I nodded as he took my hand and walked out to the back of the restaurant with me.

"What’s the matter" he asked me

"I don’t know" I said honestly "I don’t like the whole Kayla and Harry thing"

"Cause you’re jealous?" he asked me

"No, because I know how much Kayla like Niall" I stated

"And because you're a little bit jealous" Louis said. "It’s ok, you probably feel how Harry felt when he saw us together"

"This sucks Lou"

"I know, but trust me it will get better."

"What if Kayla gets hurt"

"Everyone is going to get hurt eventually Frankie, its just how much its gonna hurt that is gonna count"

Those words made me think, "so you're gonna hurt me too?" I asked scared

"and you're gonna hurt me. But believe me when I say I will do my best to make it so the hurt doesn’t hurt that much" Louis thought of what he said "if that makes sense"

I started laughing and he pulled me into him.  He tenderly kissed me on the lips before we walked back into the restaurant

When we got to the table, everyone was gone.

"those pricks" Louis said

"what?" I asked

"they left us with the bill!" he said annoyed

I started laughing "come on" I said walking over to my clutch.

"it's on me" I said giving him my credit card

"um, no. I'll pay for it" he said taking out his wallet

"Louis you were just saying how they left us the bill and you were annoyed. Its fine just put it on my card" I said

"No. Its not right to let the lady pay."

"the lady wants to pay so let me pay." I said starting to cause a scene in the restaurant

A waiter came up to me and Louis smiling. "excuse me, but someone has paid for your dinner already" he told me

"STAN!" Louis said hugging the waiter

"Frankie this is my best friend Stan" Louis said

"hello" I politely smiled

"nice to meet you" he nodded. "by the way Lou" his friend started "you two fight like an elderly couple"

Louis put his arm around my waist and laughed

"well see you around, call me when you're free" Louis said before we left

I left the restaurant with a huge grin on my face. That grin however was washed away with one little text from Kayla



KAYLA: its Rob.

FRANKIE: what about him?!

KAYLA: just come home. 

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