Who Are One Direction?

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The girl walked away and I stood there speechless. Millions of different things were running though my head. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to go eat or go figure out whom Harry really was. I went straight to my room and ignored the grumbling in the belly; I needed to know the truth and I needed to know it now.

 I went right up to my room and grabbed my computer.

I opened up the Google Chrome and quickly searched One Direction. In a matter of seconds there it all was. All the lies had come out and I was more than furious. Harry FUCKING Styles, the one I knew the one that lied to me about EVERYTHING was right there.

I stormed out of my room to find Harry laying by the pool with Niall and Kayla

"YOU FUCKING LIAR" I screamed to Harry. It went silent

"what?" he said

"MR.  I DON’T SING, I DON’T HAVE AN INTERESTING LIFE, MR. I HATE LIARS AND WHEN THEY DON’T TELL YOU THE WHOLE TRUTH. YOU FUCKING HYPOCRTICAL JERKASS." I yelled tears forming in my eyes. "in a matter of 2 days you" I started "….you." I started but stopped again trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall over "why would you lie like that?" I asked shaking. Harry didn’t say anything, he just sat there watching me as Kayla ran over and comfort me."WELL?!?"  I asked screaming and crying, attracting more attention to us

"I don’t know" Harry said looking down

"Well what wasn’t a lie?"

"I don’t know Frankie" he said trying to make everyone go away "can we talk somewhere else?" He said standing up and trying to take me to a place a little quieter


Harry POV

I tried running after her but Kayla pulled me back

"Why did you two lie to us?" she asked calmly looking between Niall and I

"We didn’t want you freaking out" Niall said trying to persuade her

"So you lie?"

"We thought it would be for the best!" Niall said  "I'm really sorry I lied to you" he added looking into her eyes

"Fine whatever, I’ll get over it but little miss Francesca… yea she probably won’t."

"Why?" I asked

"it’s this long story."

We waited until she told us a story about one of Frankies ex-boyfriends. After hearing the story, I honestly felt terrible about lying.

"Do you think she hates me now?"

"Yea, probably"

"I need to go find her" I said running off to Frankie's direction

I heard Kayla wish me luck as I ran to find Frankie.

 I ran around the hotel until I finally found her sobbing on a couch in the main lobby,

"Frankie!" I yelled.

She looked up and turned away

"Frankie please, I'm really sorry I hurt you. I don’t know why I lied to you, I really do like you and I want to be good with you"

"Harry, just-"

"No I am not going, not until were ok again"

"Harry, every word that came out of your mouth was a lie"





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