Who Are One Direction

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Frankie POV

Harry looked me right in the eyes as Liam started singing torn. During the middle of the song I got so worked up, I felt my eyes tearing up so I grabbed Kayla and walked away.

We walked back to our room, Kayla satisfied but worried about me.

"Why are you crying?" She asked. I looked up at her

"I don’t know, you tell me" I told her as I reached for a tissue

"You really want me to tell you why you're crying?" she said annoyed

I looked at her. I nodded figuring she would say something to make me feel a whole lot better.

"I think you're crying because you REALLY like Harry but you don't want to because he lied to you. I think you're scared to like him but you need to stop telling yourself to not like him. Things like this doesn’t ever happen Frankie… face it… you fell IN LOVE with a guy in just … 4? Days! Just likes those stupid Bieber fanfics we read."

I just sat there, she was right about the fact I still liked him and I wanted to stay mad at him but I couldn’t.

"well it doesn’t even matter anymore"  I said sitting down on the bed trying to ignore the fact that she was right.

"And why not?!" she yelled

"because we leave TOMORROW, 9 AM. And I'm never going to see him again anyways"

"what happened to you flying to England and meeting up with him"

"oh please like that was ever really going to happen. I'm never going to see him again and I'm fine with it"

"Well if you say so" Kayla said angrily as she turned on her bed and fell asleep.


I couldn’t sleep that night; I had too many thoughts running through my head. When Kayla's alarm for 7:00 went off, I was still up.

I showered and grabbed my bags to give to my parents before going to grab some breakfast from the buffet with Kayla.

To our surprise, all of One Direction was at the buffet.

"Fuck" I said to Kayla.

"What?" she said not seeing the boys over by the pancakes

"Look over to the pancake bar"

She looked and made eye contact with Niall who waved at her

"I have to" she said before walking towards Niall.

I nodded; understanding that they have their whole thing so I let her go.

I turned around and went to grab some toast.

Louis came up to me

" so you found out" he said. I looked at him


"you're not mad at me are you?" he asked worried

"don’t be silly! We're best buds!"

"good. I was scared cause we knew what Harry was doing that you would be mad"

"nah, I'm just mad that he didn’t tell me who he was then when I asked… he lied"

"yea, I don’t know why he did that"

"me either"

We sat there in an awkward silence.

"so when do you leave?" Louis asked

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