Holiday in London

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"WE'RE HERE!" Kayla yelled as we got off the plane.

"Oh my good golly gosh I'm so excited" Rob and Chris said making fun of Kayla.

"Oh shut up you two, you're lucky I invited you" Kayla said punching Rob.

For Kayla's 19th birthday present, her parents sent her and three friends on a vacation to England. We were staying for 2 weeks and I was so excited.

"Kayla I thought you just invited them so they could carry our bags" I said sarcastically.

"HAR HAR" Chris said pushing my shoulder.

"I thought she invited us because she doesn’t have any other girl friends" Rob said sarcastically

"fucking prick" Kayla said as she stormed off.

I started to giggle.

"KAYLA I'M ONLY PLAYING" Rob said. She stopped walking and turned around and smiled

"You have to carry my bags now" she said flipping her hair

"We already are carrying BOTH of your bags.. Plus ours" Chris said.

"And that’s why best buds were!" I said patting Chris's arms and smiling.

 We claimed our luggage’s and handed them to the boys. The boys put all our bags on a cart that they would push around until we found a car to take us to our hotel.

Kayla and I were walking ahead of the guys. The two of the boys stopped walking and made a gasping sound. We continued to walk and look back at them. Once we moved our heads, we collided with about 4 people.

Kayla and I fell to the floor and both started laughing. We looked up and I turned to Kayla whose mouth was dropped.

 "What the" the familiar accent said. He looked up and looked at Kayla right in the eye. He got up "Kayla?!" he asked. He turned to me. "Frankie? Frankie is that you?" he asked. He obviously didn’t recognize me.  First, it had been two years since I last saw Niall  and Secondly, my long blonde hair was now 2 inches shorter and was also a light brown.

"Niall?!" Kayla said excitement in her voice.. "What are you doing here?!" she asked.

"I just came home from Ireland, what are you doing here?!"

"We’re here for my birthday.. A little vacation" Kayla told him.

Rob and Chris came up and stood next to us.

"Wow Kayla you haven't changed a bit.. Frankie on the other hand" he started laughing

"Hey!!" I said sarcastically "it’s only hair"

"How long are you staying for?" Niall asked

"Two weeks" Kayla said.

"Very cool, maybe we could all catch up or something" Niall said

"Yea or something" I said trying to push everyone so we could get out of this airport.

Kayla gave me a look and I quickly said "nice seeing you Niall but we really need to go"

"Alright bye guys see you later" Niall said as he tried to hug Kayla. I pulled Kayla away just before Niall was about to wrap his arms around him.

Once we got far enough she looked at me "what the fuck was that. I wanted to hug him!"

"Kay, no." I said. Anyone could guess how the two of us felt after prom. I mean.. Prom was the last time Kayla and I ever saw One Direction. We never talked to them; we would text them and they would never answer.. We would call them but they would ignore it. We would tweet them but they would never respond…it was like they completely forgot about us… and that hurt.

 We were waiting outside the airport waiting for a taxi when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Excuse me but do you know what time the shuttle is coming?" a familiar curly haired boy asked. He was looking down at his phone when I turned around; obviously not knowing it was actually ME he was talking to.

"No" I quietly said.

"What?" he asked

"No" I said a little louder.

I felt his arm on my shoulder and he pulled me around

"…Frankie?" Harry asked. As he asked a car came up

"bye Harry" I said as I walked into the cab.

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