Who Are One Direction

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The next day Kayla and I spent the first half of the day shopping with my mom and dad and the second at the pool and beach. Then the boys took us to the hotel restaurant around 6:30.

"Well don’t you two look stunning" Harry said as we walked up to the boys. Harry gave me a quick kiss on the lips whereas Niall and Kayla were in a full make out mode.

Harry took my hand and brought us to a table set for four. We had a nice dinner then Niall and Harry said they were going out later that night with their roommate, so Kayla and I decided to have an early night and go back to our room.

As we walked in our room, Kayla and I talked about school and such.

"It’s going to suck going back to school next week" Kayla said

"This has to be the best spring break ever!" I yelled overjoyed

"Do you know what I can’t wait for?"

"Seeing the look on Bianca and Yianna's face when they see how tan we are"

"Funny.. No.. PROM!"

"OH MY GOD so excited." I stood up clapping my hands

"I know! We need to get our dresses ASAP too, Prom is in like a week from when we get home."

"I know! We got to get one this!"

"who are you going to take?" Kayla asked me

"I don’t know.. Prob like Rob or Chris" I said picking at my nails

"well if you take one, I'll take the other" Kayla said winking at me.

Rob and Chris have been our best friends since we were in kindergarten, so taking them to prom wouldn’t mean anything to any of us. We were all best buds.

The more we talked about prom the more excited I got for it.

"what do you think is going to happen to you and Harry?" Kayla asked

I stared into space "I guess we're going to move on"

"that’s sad, you two are so adorable together"

"well I'll still talk to him and hopefully see him if I ever go London, yea?"

"sounds solid" Kayla said.

She popped in another movie and watched it as I thought about what was going to happen between me and Harry. I'm not going to lie when I say I hate not being with Harry, it feels as if something inside of me was missing, so I texted him

F- wahh I miss you ):

It took him a little longer for him to reply.

H- I have that affect on people

F- ): not nice

H- I miss you too<3 I hate not being with you xx

F- wahh )':  can you come by tonight?

H- umm, I don’t know. Maybe later like 11? Xx

F- ill keep the door unlocked, (;

H- cant wait (; xx

I fell asleep for about an hour and half. I was woken up by someone climbing onto my bed.

"hello" Harry said

I got up and smiled "hey"

Harry layed next to me and we cuddled.

"I missed you" he whispered in my ear

"I missed you more"

Harry planted a little kiss on my lips

"I cant stay here all night tho" he said disappointed

"I know" I said frowning

"meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning at 10"he said before leaving

"wait" I said before he got off my bed


I pulled him towards me and kissed him

"a goodnight kiss!" I said childishy

Harry kissed me then left

"bye love" Harry said "sweet dreams" he told me before he closed my door.

The next morning I woke up around 11, I looked around for Kayla but I couldn’t find her.

'she must have gone get food' I thought to myself. I got changed into denim shorts and a tank top and made my way to the buffet to meet Harry

On my way to the buffet I walked past three girls who were whispering

'shes the one dating Harry' I heard one of them say. I stopped and looked at them

"what?" I asked

One girl cam up to me

"is it true!? Are you dating Harry Styles?"


I didn’t know Harry's last name, so maybe I was, but why was she asking me about it?

"Harry Styles! The one from One Direction?"

"One Direction?" I asked. The name sounded familiar but I couldn’t place my tongue on it

"the curly haired guy from One Direction!" she said

"what are you talking about? The Harry I know doesn’t sing, sorry"

"yes he does! He's like the lead singer" this girl went on

"wait what?" I asked "Harry told me he doesn’t sing."

"Well Harry lied… look him up, they’re really big in the UK" the girl said before walking away

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