Holiday in London

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"How was breakfast?" Kayla asked me as I slammed the door "not too well I’m guessing" she said walking up to me.

"Honestly…" I said rolling my eyes

"well what happened?" she asked getting up from her position

"I told him why I lied about dating Chris, then asked him why he ignored me and was like it’s a long story. Like noo! Just say that you used me"

Kayla and I had both came up with the conclusion that while on vacation all those years ago, the boys used us for our looks.

"Whatever" I said  walking around the room "Let’s just go shopping" I said getting more money and walking out the hotel room.

We went into a few different shops.


"just go" I said pushing Kayla into the shop.

We were browsing through the clothes when I heard yet another familiar accent "well butter my toast and call me uncle Roast, Frankie!? Frankie is that you!?" I turned around to see Louis  Liam and Zayn staring at me in disbelief.

I didn’t say anything, I just looked at them

"What’s all this all about, come give me a hug!" Louis said taking a step closer. I took a step back. “Frankie it’s me and Liam! You remember us right!?”Louis asked confused. 

I didn’t know what to say, so I just said what has been on my mind for the past few hours. "Why didn’t you guys ever answer me or Kayla's texts or bbm's or tweets or anything?" I asked. I already tried asking Harry but he wouldn’t tell me, so why not try asking them.

"Look, Frankie, I'm really sorry we ignored you two but, can we talk about this in like private" Liam said

"Fine, but not now, I'm shopping with Kayla."

"Cool, tonight then yeaa? I'll text you" Louis said before leaving.

I found Kayla and told her what happened.

"Well this will be interesting to find out" Kayla said as we made our way back to the hotel.

I logged onto twitter to see my followers, have gone up by 1000+

I went to my mentions and saw Louis tweeted me

@Louis_Tomlinson so so so great to see my old friend @Frankiieee again! Miss you cupcake! See you and @KaylaBear tonight! Xx

I tweeted him back

@Frankiieee @Louiss_Tomlinson text us 'old friend'

Louis texted me after my tweet

L-  hey, 'old friend', what was that about??x

F- well ya know a friend wouldn’t ignore another friend now would they?

L- what hotel are you at, we're coming over to talk to you two and settle this x

F-  *insert a hotel here (hehehe)* if this is going to be some lame excuse don’t bother coming Louis

L- be there in 5 minutes x

"They’re coming in 5 minutes" I warned Kayla

"Whose they?" she asked

"Louis and whoever else he brings." I said

 Like clockwork, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall walked through the door.

"We need to talk to you two" Louis said a bit annoyed.

Kayla and I sat on one bed and the four other boys shared another.

"where’s curly?" I asked

"He didn’t want to see you" Louis said


"Why are you so bitter all of a sudden?" Louis yelled out.

"Really? You want me to tell you why? Fine. I mean I already told Harry. It’s funny because both Harry AND Niall both confessed their love for me and Kay at prom, then all of a sudden the 5 of you fall off the face of the earth. You ignored every tweet, call, text anything and everything, so sorry for being mad that you boys used us…. 'old friend' " I said anger all over my face.

"We didn’t use you!" Niall said

"So that explains leaving us right Niall?" Kayla spoke up

"Kayla I’m so sorry I hurt you, but trust me I really did love you"

"Yea, you DID for the week" she said rolling her eyes.

"Can we talk in private?" Niall asked her

"Fine" she said walking into the hallway to talk to Niall

"As for you missy" Zayn said

"Just tell me why, please" I said tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"Alright, well first you should know all of us were against it. When we got back from your prom, Simon was all pissed that we left to go be with you girls" Louis started "Simon told us we couldn’t get involved with any girls then. He started to monitoring our phones and everything so we wouldn’t be texting or calling anyone we shouldn’t. Simon found out and Niall and Harry's relationships and he went ballistic, he was afraid that it would go out and ruin whatever we had then, so Simon had us on this anti-electronic ban. We could tweet from management computers only, he took our phones and we had to carry around a phone book so we could keep in touch with our families. We were all told to break up with our girlfriends, and if we didn’t then we wouldn’t be in the band anymore.. Honestly there was nothing we could do. Now we changed management so everything is better, but trust me we never intentionally did any of that on purpose." Louis started

Tears started to fall out of my eyes

"Guys I’m so sorry" was all I could say.

They all rushed to my sides to comfort me

"it’s ok! You didn’t know" Zayn said

"No one here is mad" Liam said

"Well Harry is" Louis added

"Yea" I said wiping my tears "I should probably talk to him"  I said hopping off my bed and walking into the bathroom to call Harry.

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