Who Are One Direction?

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I screamed getting all excited

I ran over and hugged him so tight, I never thought I would see him again. My mom gave me and Kayla looks. She knew about Harry but not about One Direction, so seeing that two boys from One Direction were here, she was a little bit more then confused. Kayla later on informed our mothers about these boys and told them about one direction. Our mothers were both excited and pleased for us.

"So mom" I started "this is Niall Horan" I said pointing to Kayla's date "and this is" I said patting his chest “Louis Tomlinson"

"Nice to meet you" my mom said hugging the two boys.

"Didn’t want my best bud over here to be dateless at prom" Louis said giving me an awkward side hugs

"Well, let’s get going then!" Kayla yelled with her voice filling with excitement

We all laughed and took my dad’s old car to Lorie's house.

 We went to Lorie's and introduced Louis and Niall to Rob and Chris. We tried to ignore all the people we didn’t like at Lorie’s but the fact that Rob and Chris brought the devil and her best friend made it more complicated.

We took our pictures then made our way to prom. Lorie's dad had rented a party bus for all of us to go on, so we piled up and went off to the catering hall.

At the catering hall we ate and took pictures with our favorite teachers. Kayla and I were super close with our English teacher Mrs. Wentz, so we asked her for a picture. Louis took it then she winked at me, knowing fully who he is.

 After we ate we made our way to the dance floor. Louis and Niall busted out their moves while Kayla and I laughed.  We took some more pictures and had a great time.

 "Having fun?" I asked Louis who was dancing with Niall

"So much!" he said pleased

I laughed at their childish antics until the music just stopped and the lights dimmed. A figure appeared on the stage where the DJ was. A spotlight hit him and I noticed the figure right away.

'Harry?' I said under my breathe

Now, if I’m being 100% honest, I would have to say that I missed him so much. I missed him holding me and sneaking kisses. Kayla was right that I was afraid to like him again because I was afraid he would just lie to me all over again, but the truth is… within a matter of a few days I fell in love with Harry Styles.  Him not being there to talk to killed me a little inside, but I guess that's just love for you. I looked up at Harry who was standing holding a microphone in his hand.

"Is Frankie here? Francesca?" Harry said

All of a sudden I heard Louis scream "SHES MINE"

"Louis shut up" Harry complained which caused everyone to laugh.

Harry saw me and smiled; I lowered my head then looked up to see what he was going to do.

 He soon made his way up to me.

"Hi Francesca" He said grinning

I rolled my eyes and smiled "Hi Harry"

"Most of you, well all of your probably don’t know who I am, but I'm Harry… hi nice to meet you and I met Kayla and miss Frankie over here last week on vacation. Frankie and I got extremely close but I made a big mistake and lied to her which ruined our friendship."

"Harry are you just going to embarrass me?"

"Let me finish! Anyways, when Kayla and Frankie left my friends over here and I saw them, Frankie gave all of them hugs but only gave me a handshake which hurt because within three days" Harry said looking me straight in the eye "I fell head over heels in love with her. We spent almost every second together but I was scared to tell her who I was and lied to her over and over again, and no one can understand how sorry I am about it. I've been beating myself up every day for lying to you" Harry said taking my hands "please please PLEASE” Harry emphasized “forgive me?" Harry asked.

Everyone awwww'd and I stood there, speechless

"Earth to Frankie" Harry said snapping his hands in my face

I took his hand away from my face and kissed him passionately.

Everyone cheered and awww'd while we did so. I felt him smile in the kiss

"Lie to me again kid and you're in for it" I said winking at him

“I would never” Harry said smiling.

“I Love you Frankie” Harry said cupping my face with his hands

“I love you too Harry” I replied before kissing him one last time.

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