Chapter 18- the black wolves

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Isildilia bolted awake.

White Lily's method was rough. Isildilia whimpered and clutched her chest, feeling like she just got punched. She quickly sat up and looked for Valin. He was lying next to her, remaining very still. She quickly shook him. She couldn't have...she hadn't just killed him?

"Valin, Valin, wake up!" His wakening was just as sudden as hers was. He flailed around for a few seconds as he took a moment to realise where he was. Once he stopped, he quickly pushed himself upright, clutching at his head. Isildilia felt the tears of relief creeping up behind her eyes.

"What happen...?" He didn't finish, for Isildilia had flung her arms around his neck and started to sob into his chest.

"Don't let me do that again, I almost killed you." She heard Valin grunt in surprise.

"Yes, that isn't something I'm ready to do in a hurry." He tapped his head. "I've never had that experience before or come across a mind quite like it. It's interesting insight." Now Isildilia remembered, she was supposed to be mad with him for keeping such important secrets. She stood up and glared down at him. "What is it?" he asked, shuffling away from her a tad.

"How did you know?" He knew what she was referring to. "Was that the reason you withheld my name from me?"

"I didn't know. I had no idea about what had happened to you. The reason I did not want to refer to you by your real name, was that I felt you weren't yet worthy of it."

"Worthy...of my name!" she exclaimed. "You had no problem telling me other important information about myself." Although there were still things she didn't know.

"Yes, to me, you still aren't ready. You still act like Isildilia, the human. Not White Lily, the Princess. And I will continue to call you as such until the time you are ready." He twitched his nose. "However, this...discovery has put a complicated twist to the situation, one that I must discuss once we reach the mountain. It is....important for what is planned."

"What plans?" she enquired. But he would not privy with that bit of information either.

"Where have you been?" asked Dakelo when they finally returned. "I was about to come looking for the both of you." He looked at her, and then stared at Valin accusingly.

Isildilia didn't know how to answer.

"We were just going over some precision training, ones that required fewer disturbances." Dakelo glared, but eventually returned to prodding the fire with a stick, watching the sparks that detached themselves without any further words. Isildilia appreciated that Valin didn't mention that she'd almost killed him.

Froyza was sitting upright, ears pricked up. He was obviously listening to something. A few seconds later, he rapidly stood up, hair on end, muzzle wrinkled back. She knew, from being with him, that it was a sign something was wrong. All three of them regarded him.

"What is it?" asked Dakelo, reaching for his sword.

"Wolf pack," he growled, "and they are coming this way. They've picked up on our scent."

"Is that something to fear?" Isildilia asked. She thought back to when she and Dakelo first met Hin and decided she didn't require an answer.

"Here they come," he said. Almost instantly, nearly a dozen black shapes burst from the darkness. They all skidded to a stop a few paces away. Each one had black fur and eyes of bright amber, which reflected the light like lanterns. The smallest one was even bigger than Froyza, even though he himself had grown. The lead wolf, whose size was greater than Hin's, broke from the pack and stepped forward to assess them. Froyza almost belly crawled forwards, with ears slicked back.

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