Chapter 4-The man with wings

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Isildilia had spent the entire morning pacing the numerous networks of housing, asking queries about Valin to anyone who would stop for her. Although some people recognised his name and others his face, nobody could say anything about his whereabouts. Some people claimed that he didn't even live within the city, others said he was part of the magician's guild. Either way, it was getting her nowhere, other than searching blindly.

By the afternoon she was becoming frustrated with the search. She decided to have a rest on one of the seats that were situated along the street. Her feet were blistering from the constant walking in her boots. This new fashion of women wearing boots that had a raised heel for height is ridiculous, she thought.

She spent a few minutes watching the crowd of people, hoping for Valin to suddenly walk by. It would save her the effort at least. Sighing at the fact that waiting wouldn't get her anywhere either, she got back on her feet. This time she decided to take the back streets, just to double check. Part of her also wondered if the raven she saw yesterday would appear again.

"Pssst," came a voice from behind her. She automatically looked up to the roof, but there was no sign of that devilish bird. She looked down the street, looking for the slightest hint of movement. Then she saw it. Someone was crouched behind a stack of crates, beside a narrow side street. It became obvious when the person poked their head over the top and waved her over. But what surprised her more, was that the person was from the Thislik, wearing clothes of rags and their face covered in grime.

Double checking that no one else was watching her, she ran over. She ducked down behind the crates. Something had to be very wrong for a street kid from the Thislik to risk their life evading the guards to find her. At first she thought the person was a boy, for she wore her hair tucked into a small, worn, red neck-scarf. But her slender jaw line, delicate figure and even, oddly enough, shaped eyebrows gave her away. She looked a year or two younger than Isildilia was.

She motioned for Isildilia to lean in closer, and barely whispered in her ear...

"Are you Demi?"

"I am," she said truthfully. The girl released a held breath.

"Thank the heavens; I've been trying to find you for the past three days. You know, you're hard to recognise when you are not wearing Thislikiam clothes."

"And, you are?" The girl nodded in response as by means of apology.

"Oh, sorry., I'm Rifuka, from the west quarter."

"And you have been looking for me because...?" This time the response wasn't instant. Rifuka hesitated slightly.

"I was sent...because...there is something I need to show you." She spoke very slowly when she said it, carefully choosing her words.

"And why couldn't you go to the others?"

"Um, well you were the closest."

"The closest? I live in a completely different circle to you."

"But I've always thought that you were the most understanding member of the council. And I was told to find you, personally."

"By who? Rifuka, what's wrong?" She could feel the worry building up in her stomach. Rifuka was making her uneasy.

"I can't say it here, I have to show you." She stood up suddenly and started to run down the street. Isildilia only had a few seconds to react before she decided to follow her, although it didn't take long for Rifuka to suddenly stop once more. Isildilia did not want to ask more questions, or she'd just worry even more. So she just kept a keen eye out instead, just in case any passer-by took notice.

Isildilia.(Book 1 of the White Lily trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now