Chapter 3- unlikely encounter

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(Picture- Valin.  white outfit)

Isildilia was reluctant to get up the next morning. When she awoke, her skin felt as if it was on fire and her head felt full of lead. Strangely she didn't feel like she was coming down with a fever. It wasn't the normal symptoms, although staying in bed sounded like a perfect idea. However, she had to perform her punishment duties today at the grand library.

She rolled sideways out from under the sheets with a deep groan and quickly reached for a sky-blue gown. She'd made this one herself. It didn't quite reach the floor, so it revealed her tatty boots underneath. It made it much easier travelling up and down stairs, and when walking through the streets, since no one would stand on the dress, even if women tutted at her choice of clothing.

Pouring some water from a jug into a wash basin, she scrubbed all the mud off her arms and face, to erase the events of last night. She quickly rechecked the cut above her toes before pulling on some stockings. She spent more time than usual tying the laces of her boots and retrieving her books.

She left the house without a word to anyone else downstairs. She was in a bad mood enough and wasn't prepared for the teasing of her older brothers. She tramped her way up the main street, trying to hurry as fast as she could.

Unlike under the cover of darkness; the streets were crammed with the wealthy and well-off. There were no signs of rags or poor clothes, each individual fully dressed in gowns and dresses, tights and leather garments. It was the latest of the many fashions to pass amongst the city people. She could not compare to them. Most of her father's recent money had gone towards buying the house; they had yet to buy the accessories, for themselves or the house. Father worked day after day to make up for the huge losses. Living in the more well-to-do circle did increase the cost of....everything.

Isildilia dashed past all these people with her head down; even in these parts she was just as well known for her...abnormalities.

The lines of identical houses were decorated with the same banner of the king, King Fromal, which was blood red and had a silver symbol of a sun surrounded by eight stars, each one fluttering in unison outside every window. Must be the spring celebrations soon, she thought. The flags look cleaner than normal.

Other houses preformed functions on their ground floor such as shops or trader posts. But many of those who entered or exited through those doors were just as identical to their neighbours. They dressed the same, walked and talked the same way, they even acted the same towards her and she hated it.

The great library wasn't that far from where she walked, she could see its curved roof projecting high above the houses and decided to quicken her pace even further. The faster she was off the street the better.

Suddenly, without warning, a figure slammed into her. She didn't have time to see who it was, but it caused her to drop her books. Mumbling a small curse, she proceeded to pick them up. Whoever it was had left and she tried to quickly pick them up among the sea of legs, none of which stopped to help her out. As she reached for the last one, someone trod on her outstretched hand. She yelped in pain, but the person didn't shine a backward glance at her, like it was no more than stepping on a pebble. She spent a quick moment massaging her hand, but as she did so a pair of feet stopped in front of her. A man crouched down and picked up her book, holding it out to her.

He has quite smooth hands, she randomly thought to herself.

"Here, I believe this is yours." She felt a brief moment of disbelief stab her. No one before had ever stopped to help her. She took it, without looking to see who handed it to her was first.

Isildilia.(Book 1 of the White Lily trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now