Chapter 31

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I found out about my dad's suicide. It happened yesterday during my first hour at school. I ran home and ran into my room. I didn't think much of my dad not being at home. I thought he was at work. My dad's car wasn't at home, so that's why I thought so. In reality, though, he sold it to pay for our taxes and what we actually needed. I knew something was off with him when I got back, and it just wasn't because of his ex-girlfriend. The slap he gave me, wasn't as hard as it usually would be, and he was drunk.

When Levi left, I decided to take a shower and I noticed that we actually had shampoo and conditioner. I took my hour-long shower and looked at the time. He gets off work at 4 on Monday's, and it was 4:15. He's never this late, he would want to get home as fast as possible. I still don't understand why because he loves working as a doctor. I walked out of my bathroom and walked around the house looking for him.

I heard nothing every time I called for him. There was one room which I hadn't check yet, which was his. I was never allowed in his room so I would never see it. What I saw, scarred me for life.

My dad was hanging by the ceiling fan. His turquoise eyes were lifeless like mine. His skin was a greyish color from lack of oxygen. There was a chair on the floor that he probably used.

My eyes widened and I was in denial. I may not have made it seem like it, but I really loved him. I didn't care what he did to me, I was just glad he was back, no matter what. I hated living in that house alone with no money because no one would hire me for a job.

I looked around his room, and then I found a letter on his bed that I didn't see before. I picked it up and unfolded it. "Last night was one of those nights where you numbly close the door behind you. Where you stare at your hands for long minutes before finally breaking. Where you gasp for air, sobbing silently about all the sins that you've created at once. Where everything that is wrong with you and what you've done to the world that you just can't deal with. You end up dealing with it anyway and you cry yourself to sleep; you're breaths irregular. The next morning, you wake up huddled in the corner of your bed with a sore neck and a pounding headache that you just can't get rid of. But, you get out of bed anyway. This morning was not like that morning.

Eren, my son.

I love you dearly. It may not have seemed like it, but I regretted every hit, kick, knee, punch, and so on that I gave you. I realized my sins and I had to do something about it. I'm sorry I didn't come talk to you. I felt like this was the only way. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I decided to do it after you left for school so we could say goodbye to each other one last time.

I love you, Eren.

The man unworthy of being called your father, Grisha."

I sat on my father's bed, sobbing endlessly, holding the note in one hand and covering my mouth with the other, "I'm so sorry, father," I muttered to him, hoping he can hear me from Heaven...or Hell, wherever he went. I just wanted him to be happy where he is. I couldn't go to school the day after that.

I do go over to Kenny's house, though, knowing that Levi will be at school. I have the note in one hand as I knock on the door. "Hey, Kidd-Hey, what's wrong?" He asks after opening the door and seeing my tear-stained face. I say nothing as I hand him the letter. He reads it and his eyes widen and start to tear up. "Holy shit, Eren. Are you okay?" I shake my head as more tears start to fall down my face. "Come in, Eren. Please, you need it."

I reluctantly step inside, mumbling a thank you and sitting on the couch. We sit in silence, only my sobs being heard, "Hey...I gotta tell ya something kid." I perk my head up. "It's about your father."

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now