Chapter 28

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

It's been a couple days since Armin's death, and I have done nothing but mourn in Levi's bedroom. I still blame myself for his death although Levi told me not to. I cry myself to sleep, cuddled up into the crook of Levi's neck, drenching his back in tears every night.

I haven't even taken a bath since so my hands, arms, legs, hair, and etc still disgustingly have Armin's blood on it. Armin's blood isn't disgusting, it's just the fact that it's been sitting on my body for a couple days.

Levi knocks on the door, leaning against the door frame wearing all black. "It's time for you to get ready, Love. Today's the day," He says softly.

I say nothing and stand, grabbing all black clothing and a towel. I take a shower, making it long so all the blood can wash out. I sigh, leaning my forehead against the wall of the shower. Tears fall down my face. "I am so not ready for this," I think, memories of that certain day coming back to me.


Levi and I are walking down the street, our fingers intertwined. In the corner of my eye, I see familiar strawberry blonde hair. "She's already up and walking again?" I think before nudging Levi, making him look up to me. I gesture my head towards Petra and his eyes widen before flushing with anger.

Levi unlatches my hand and runs across the road. "Levi," I warn before walking after him. Levi stops at the sidewalk and I stop in the middle of the road, relieved that he made it safely.

I turn my head to my right to see a car coming at me, right after turning at the intersection and being on their phone. I freeze, like a deer in headlights. My eyes wide and everything seems to slow down.

I turn my head behind me to see Armin running at me. "Why isn't he at school?" I think as he pushes me out of the way, making me land just inches from the car that hit Armin, instead of me. "Oh my god, Armin! Armin!?" I yell, my voice full of worry.

He doesn't respond and I start to panic. I run up to Armin who was covered in blood. I cradle him. "I'm so sorry, Armin. This was all my fault. I should've been the one to get hit. I am so so sorry. Please, you're going to be okay," I shake intensely.

My teeth are gritted as I cry. I flinch slightly when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look at it, and instantly know it's Levi's. I sob uncontrollably as I got smothered in Armin's blood.

The man who was in the car is calling the police and not long after, they come and put Armin on the gurney. I cling to Armin, yelling apologies, yelling to him that it was my fault and that I'm the one who should've gotten hit. The ambulance comes and Levi and I get in the back with Armin; crying the whole way there.


Not even 30 minutes after that, I got the news that kept me up all night. I haven't got it out my brain and I get brought to tears every time.

I turn off the shower and walk out, drying my hair and body before putting on my black clothing and brushing my hair. "You ready?" Levi asks. I reluctantly shake my head and grab Levi's hand, climbing into the car with Kenny.

~Time skip~

The three of us arrive at the church and is immediately met with the depressed aura that surrounds everybody. Once they see me, they give me dirty looks. I look down at the floor, tearing up and not wanting to look anybody in the eyes.

We walk into where people are already sitting; Armin's coffin in the front. People are already crying...hell, even I'm starting to cry. Levi and I sit near the back where no one is sitting so I won't get glared at.

People go up and says a few words, some people sing to him, some people start crying, but I'm not crying. The tears that I had felt earlier, are gone. I don't feel like crying. It's like I cried out all my tears the nights and days before.

I stare at the ground, gripping Levi's hand as tight as I can as he plays with my hand with his other. "Now, if you would like to say your goodbyes to Armin, now is the time," Armin's grandpa says as others stand. I stand as well, walking into the line to see Armin.

I arrive in front of his coffin, my eyes bloodshot from earlier this morning, but not filled with tears. I stare at Armin. He's lifeless. His skin white as snow. His blue eyes are closed, but I'm sure the bright blue it used to be, is no more. It would be dull, dark, and lifeless.

His wrists cross each other on his chest, he's wearing a black suit that fits nicely with him. I'm wide-eyed and shaking intensely. "I'm sorry...Armin. This is all my fault. If I had just watched where I was going and didn't stop in the middle of the road...You would still be alive and happy. I wish it had been me, Armin. You didn't deserve any of this, I deserved it...I deserved everything you did to me. I always broke my promises and I always yelled at you when it wasn't necessary. If only I had just been a better best friend then maybe you would still be alive. Maybe you could've helped me, but now we're never going to know. Say hi to your parents for me, will ya'? I love you and miss you already, Armin. Once again, I'm so sorry," I mumble to Armin's corpse.

I stand and grab Levi by the hand, pulling him out of where others are sitting. I walk to the front to see Jean and Marco on the chairs. Marco is comforting Jean while he has his face in his hands. Marco tenses up slightly when he see me which makes Jean look up from his hands. He glares at me with disgust and stand. "TJean, don't," Marco warns but Jean ignores him.

Jean walks up to me angrily, punching me in the cheek, causing the skin to break. "This is your fault, Asshole! This is all your fucking fault! You should've been the one to get hit, not Armin," Jean yells at me.

"Don't you think I already know that?" I mumble.

"What did you say!?"

"I said, don't you think I already know that!? For your information, I was the one who saw him die. I was the one he saved. I was the first one to get notice of his death. I was the one who blamed myself for what happened to Armin and that's not all! I blame myself for everything! I blame myself for people trash talking Levi. I blame myself for you hating me. I blame myself for my mother's death. I blame myself for being myself, and that's why I almost committed suicide a couple weeks ago because people like you are making my life a living hell!" I snap.

" what??" He seems genuinely concerned and I'm confused.

"I what?"

"You almost committed suicide!?"

"Yes! Why does that matter!? You hate me!"

"I don't hate you, Eren!"

"Yes, you do!? Why else would you make my life a living hell!?"

He tenses up. "Because I didn't want people to find out about the way I felt about you."

"What do you mean, Jean?"

"I mean, that I was in love with you!"

I stand there confused. "What the hell?"

(A/n: hiii, there's this chapter hehe. Sorry it's a little short than some others and I'm sorry if things were kind of confusing and all over the place and what do you think about Jean's feelings for Eren? Will Eren realize that he still has feelings for him, or will he stay with Levi? Wait until the next chapter to find out! I hope you enjoyed and give a vote if you did.) (P.s., sorry for any unintentional mistakes.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن