Chapter 4

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(A/N: Please read this: Some of this chapter will be triggering. please read this chapter carefully. If you're sensitive with this stuff, then skip over the parts that are triggering to you. thank you, please give a vote if you enjoyed it.) (EDITED 📝: 6/3/19)

(Eren's pov)

Levi runs out my door and I sit on the edge of my bed, tears streaming down my face, 'Look, you scared him away. 'Well, there goes another one,' the voice says.

I lift my sleeves back up and look at my scars, burns, and bruises. The not so recent burns were only a light red. The ones which have been recent, however, were a dark red and blistered.

The bruises are indescribable. Some are a very dark purple on the outside that faded to a dark blue then a dark red, then finally a light reddish pink. There are some that are a dark purple on the outside fading to a blue, then faded to pink. Some are just red or purple splotches of bruises with some brown.

There are horizontal cuts that were deep, and horizontal cuts that weren't. The vertical cuts I tried not to cut too deep on. I didn't want to die just yet. I couldn't die yet. I needed to suffer. It was my fault my mom killed herself.

She killed herself right in front of me. She blames it on me. Her last words to me were about me. She's made me believe that it truly was my fault.

I lower my head and see tears fall to my bedroom floor. I couldn't get Levi out of my head. The face of shock he had on his face will never leave my mind.

Did he actually care? No, that can't be it. No one cares.

"I should go to bed," I mumble. "'s only 6:30...oh well. I need the sleep anyway." I stand to turn off my lights, and then went climbing into bed.


I'm in a black void of nothingness. It's pitch black, no one and nothing to be seen. I realize that I'm the only one here. I look down at my hands and see that they're covered in blood and a knife in one of them.

My eyes widen in shock. I look up again to see my mother standing right in front of me drenched in blood. "You did this to me. You're a monster. You don't deserve to, you don't deserve to die. You deserve worse. Torture. You deserve to live with the fact that you killed your own mother," She growls at me, "I wish you were never born." She turns and starts to walk away.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" I yell as I fall to my knees. "I know this is my fault. I know I did this to you. I didn't mean to drive father away. I know you loved him. I love you, Mom. Please forgive me," I quietly say as I start to sob, holding my face with my blood covered hands.

She turned towards me. "Oh Eren...I know you didn't mean to. I love you, my son," she says as she spread out her arms. I run to her as quick as possible and we embrace. "I didn't mean what I said. I'm very glad you were born," my mother finishes as she hugs me harder. I suddenly felt a pain in my abdomen.

I put my hand to my stomach and pull it away. I look down at my hand to see it covered in even more blood.

I look up to her with wide eyes. "Oh really think I would ever forgive you? I meant everything I said. Rule number one of this damned world: Trust no one," She says maniacally, fiddling with the knife that was drenched with my blood.

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now