Chapter 25

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I awake and sit on my bed, hands on my face. Tears are already dwelling in my eyes. This is it. My last hour. You know, I'm happier than I thought I would be to get this life over with. Jean and his friends made sure this life was a living hell. I don't know how Levi is going to react this, nor the note. I didn't put much on there. He might not know what I'm trying to say.

I walk out of my house, not bothering to leave a note to my abusive dad and his abusive girlfriend. They won't care anyways. If I thought that week and a half was good without them, being rid of them for good must be amazing as hell.

I start to walk to the bridge, my favorite bridge to go to. I told Levi about all the times I've gone there to think, and how many times I've wanted to end it while walking on it. It's also the bridge where I met Jean...well, after the first day of school. We never got along, until we met at this bridge.

We were only four at the time, but we still connected. We were both walking with our mothers, hand in hand. We talked about how much we love coming to this bridge with our mothers. We talked about how much we love the water and the way it sparkles in the sunlight. We talked about so many things that we had in common. That, is how we got so close. We were best friends until Junior year.

I don't know what happened to us. I miss him. I know he's never going to be friends with me again. He hates me. I don't know what I did, but I know for sure that it's my fault. Everything's my fault. I can't do anything right. I do everything wrong. I really am...just a piece of shit.

I miss Mikasa, too. Maybe I should go visit her. She's at Armin's and his house is on the way to the bridge, so I should stop by.


I reach Armin's house and timidly knock on the door. "Hey, Eren. I never would've thought you would come here," Armin says after opening the door.

"Yeah, I just wanted to visit Mikasa," I respond.

"Come right in. She's on the couch," Armin moves out of the way, letting me in.

"Thank you."

Mikasa perks her head up after hearing my voice. "Eren!" She cries, standing up and pulling me into a hug.

I carefully put my arms around her waist. "I just wanted to see if you were okay," I tiredly smile.

"Eren, are you okay? You look tired and your eyes are bloodshot."

"Yeah, Mikasa. I'm okay. There's no need to-"

"-Did Levi do something to you!? If he did I can kill him for you."

"No, Mikasa. Levi didn't do anything. We're alive and happy," I look at Armin and give him a thanking look that he didn't tell Mikasa about the thing with Levi. He nods his head.

"Okay, good. I missed you, Eren."

"I know, I missed you too. But hey, what happened to you and Jean?"

"Nothing. We broke up, that's all."

"You never told me?"

"I thought you hated me."

"And why would I hate my sister?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I was dating your ex-best friend."

"Why were you dating him anyway?"

"I don't know. I thought I liked him but it never worked out."

"Is it because he's bisexual?"

She laughs. "No, we just...didn't really work out. I'm actually kinda surprised you found that out."

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now