Chapter 30

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(Third pov) (📝EDITED📝)

The brunette walks out of the bathroom, tears running down his face. The ravenette stands in shock after what just happened with the brunette. Tears never come to his eyes, but his heart breaks even more than the night before.

Eren runs out of the school, still crying as he runs down the street to his house. He runs to the front porch quickly and opens the door and slams it shut as he runs into his bedroom.

He hugs his stomach as he tries to keep in his sobs. His heart is hurting. It felt like his heart is getting squeezed and ripped out before shattering. His head is pounding. He feels like he's going to throw up. He is in so much pain, all because of a heartbreak.


Levi walks into class to see that Eren never went back. He instantly begins to worry. He's distracted throughout the whole day, wondering if Eren is okay. He didn't want to break up with Eren, not in the slightest.

He was scared, paranoid and in denial. He didn't want to think that he really used to be in love with Jean and that Jean used to be in love with him too. He was so afraid that Eren would leave him...that he left Eren before it was too late.

The school day ends and Levi still sees no sign of Eren. He finally musters up the courage to go to Eren's house to check up on him. He knocks on the door and gets no answer.

Grisha's car isn't here, so he walks into the house. He thinks it's weird because the door is unlocked. When Eren is home alone, he always locks the door.

Levi walks up the stairs and starts to hear sobs from Eren's room. He quietly opens the door and goes wide-eyed at what he sees in the room.

Eren is hugging his stomach in the corner of his room with his forearms, his nails digging into the sides of his torso causing it to break the skin as blood drips down to his hips. Eren's sobs are uncontrollable, he has never seen or heard Eren cry this hard.

Eren os looking down but looks up when he hears Levi's footsteps. He bad claw marks on the side of his head. His eyes are the most bloodshot Levi has ever seen. His eyes are duller than this morning. He's paler--from blood loss--and he has more burns and cuts on his arms than before. When Eren locks eyes with Levi, his eyes go wide-eyed. "Eren," Levi says quietly.

"Go away, Levi. I don't want you here. Seeing you here reminds me of my mistakes," Eren says through sobs.

"Are you telling me that our relationship was a mistake?"

"Of course not. I'm the mistake."

"Eren, you're not a mistake."

"Then what am I?"

Levi thinks about it before answering. "I don't know, you're not a mistake."

Eren scoffs. Levi's confused, he foes the know why Eren scoffed, but he did. "Just leave, Levi."

"Fine," Levi replies before leaving his room. As Levi walks away, he can hear Eren's sobs echoing throughout the house. "What have I done?" Levi thinks.

(Levi's pov)

The next morning, I wake up even more exhausted than yesterday. I Hey ready and drive to school, ready for the shit day that's about to come. When I arrive, I don't see Eren anywhere. Of course, I'm early so I don't think much of it, but later on, the bell rings and I still see no sign of Eren.

I don't think much of it either because of what happens last night. He probably doesn't want to face me, and I respect that. I understand why. I'm the one that told him not to talk to me, yet I go ahead and talk to him. I'm a terrible person, aren't I?

I'm walking home and I see Eren from the corner of my eye, I stop. He's standing on the bridge, luckily, he isn't standing on the edge. He's leaning on the edge with his forearms, his beautiful brown hair flowing in the slight breeze.

He's looking out to the river, admiring it. He lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't want to live anymore," He says softly, but I can hear him. He turns around and freezes once he see me.

I slightly smile a toothless smile, but his face is as emotionless as mine would be. He puts up his hood and walks towards me. I tense up as he gets closer but he ignores me and walks past me. I sigh softly before pushing what just happened to the back of my mind, but the words he said, still ring in my mind. However, I end up ignoring that as well.

I finally get home and walk inside, immediately met with Kenny. "Hey, Kenny," I say softly.

"Is Eren okay??" He asks in worry.

"Yeah, I just saw him...why?"

"Grisha committed suicide yesterday."

I go wide-eyed but shakes it off. "He deserved it."

"He didn't deserve to die. If he committed suicide, then he realized his sins and didn't think he could've been helped. Yes, he's done some bad things but he was still Eren's dad and he still loved him. Hell, Grisha even loved him. When we're at work, he can't stop talking about how proud he was of Eren. I think this is my fault."

"Why would this be your fault, Kenny?"

"He was talking to me the day yesterday at work before he did it, and he told me that he feels bad for what he's done to Eren and wants to make it right. He feels bad for the sins that he's created and wants to put a stop to it. He told me that maybe Eren would have a better life if he wasn't around."

"Where do you caught up in this?"

"I could've told him that Eren would forgive him, but I just nodded my head and agreed with him. I didn't know he meant suicide. I thought he just meant that he would leave like he did when he was a child. I didn't know."

"Exactly, Kenny. You didn't know what he meant."


"-Kenny, it's not your fault."

He sighs. "You're right. We're going to his funeral, it's in two weeks."

I nod my head. "I just hope Eren's okay," I mumble.

(Eren's pov)

I heard the news, and I am not okay.

(A/n: Sorry for a shorter chapter than usual, It pretty much fits with the ending and the emotional state of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed and give a vote if you did.) (P.s., sorry for any unintentional mistakes.)

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now