School Trip Part 5

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(Eren's pov) (📝EDITED📝)

I wake up and turn my head towards Levi to see that he's already gone. I roll my eyes but get up and get dressed. I have a sweatshirt with black jeans and black converse on.

I walk out of the cabin and to the mess hall after pulling up my hood. I walk in and the light hits me in the face, as it's still considerably dark outside. I'm hit with the smell of sausages, eggs, cheese, and other different types of vegetables.

I feel Levi's eyes burning into my back like he was telling me to eat. I grab my food anyway but sit alone because he's sitting with Armin, Jean, Bertholdt, Reiner, and Petra.

I sit at the table and poke the breakfast casserole with my fork. I'm really not in the mood to eat anything. I stand and throw away my full plate of food and grab a glass of water; that was my breakfast.

I walk out of the building with the feeling of Levi's eyes burning into my back still present. I walk back to the lake for a while before I see Petra and Levi come to the lake together. Levi, probably sending that I'm there, looks around the beach. Once he makes eye contact with me, I look away and walk back to our cabin.

This day is just like the last, except for me, that is. I didn't leave the cabin at all, all day. Levi occasionally came to the cabin but it was just to grab something or get changed. We didn't talk at all this day. He just stared at me all day. What in the hell is up with him? Whatever, if he's not talking to me I won't talk to him like I said last night. I need to be the bigger man...Although wouldn't that mean I have to talk to him? Tsk, like I, would do that.

It's late at night, probably at like 3 in the morning, and Levi finally gets back. He stops in the doorway to see me sitting up on my bed, slightly shaking. I see the worry in his eyes, but it quickly goes away, his stoic expression covering it up.

I turn from him and climb into my bed, trying to hold back the tears that are welling up in my eyes. Sleep slowly consumes me.

(Levi's pov)

I wake up to see Eren still asleep in his bed. He looks so peaceful; he always has when he sleeps. He really is a beautiful specimen.

I get out of my bed, bringing my legs to the side of the bed before groggily standing up. I get dressed and walk out of the cabin to the mess hall. I run into Armin and Petra on the way, so I decide to eat with them with Jean, Reiner, and Bertholdt. I still don't like the three, and I don't think I ever will.

I hear the doors open and I turn to see Eren. He's wearing black pants, black converse, and a black sweatshirt with the hood over his face. I know it's him because I can see his messy brown hair hanging out of the top. And I may have studied his body type and the way he walks.

I stare at him all the way to the line for breakfast. He grabs the casserole and sits down alone. "Eat," I mentally demand like he can hear me. All he does is play with his food with his fork before throwing it away. "You didn't even eat it!" Instead, Eren gets a glass of water and drinks it before walking out of the mess hall.

After Petra and I finish eating, she and I say our thanks and goodbyes to the others. We walk out of the mess hall to the lake. We don't see anyone here at first until I sense Eren. I don't know how, I just know when he's around.

I look around to find him and see him sitting on the rocks that I pushed him off of a couple days ago. He's staring at us. He rubs his bloodshot eyes before standing up off of the rock and walking off the beach.

All day, Eren's ignoring me. He may have seemed a little scared of me, but I can't blame him. He gets abused by his father and then he gets abused by his boyfriend. God, I'm such a terrible boyfriend. Should I talk to him? No, I'm not talking to him nor am I apologizing until he talks to me first.

My Brat (Levi x Depressed Eren)(Ereri)(Modern AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now