Chapter 13

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It's been 3 days since the whole debacle and I've just been in bed I've had several phone calls and texts and knocks on the door but I didn't answer any of them. I haven't eaten alot. I've just been laying and crying that's what my days consist of. It really hurts

Someone was knocking and wouldn't leave. usually when Someone would knock, all I would say is "go away!" And normally they'd go away but this person wouldn't quit. but I didn't care I was just gonna ignore it. Finally the person had left. 

 I got a text from an unknown number. "Hey" was all it said. "Who's this?" "Sam Wilkinson" "no it's not" "Yeah it really is wanna hang out?" "Come to my hotel room just by my door so I know if it really is you". 

About an hour later someone was knocking and they said "hey it's Sam. It's really me" I looked through the peep hole and it actually was Sam. I opened the door. "How'd you get my number?" "From Gilinsky he's really worried about you" he told me. "Let me shower and get ready and let's go to his room" "okay". I showered and got ready it took about an hour an a half.

 We walked down to his hotel room. "Jasmine!" Gilinsky said and smiled. I jumped in his arms and gave him a big hug. Even though we had done the dirty with each other he was still the best.

 "You're okay" he said sounding relived. I smiled. Sam went to the bathroom to shower so I asked G about this Sam guy. "He's really cute" I said giggling. "He said you were pretty" I felt my face getting red. He came back and smiled at me i smiled back. I wanted to get to know him he seemed like a cool dude. 

Sam came back out and we started talking. Not just Sam and I but the Jacks, Sam and I. It was fun hanging out with them.

After a while I decided to randomly belt out some lyrics from one of their songs. They laughed but then it resulted in us all belting out lyrics, it was pretty great.

Sam and I decided to hang out by ourselves for a while. We went out and bonded pretty well. "Can I walk you to your hotel room" he asked. I nodded. We talked and laughed together. He gave me a piggy back ride, instead of walking with me and we saw all the guys in a cluster. I didn't mind. 

Gilinsky and Johnson looked at us and smiled. while everyone else was confused.

Cameron and Nash were just looking at me with unreadable expressions. But I didn't care. 

When we got to my hotel room we hugged and he was on his way. I smiled and walked into my hotel room. I felt so different with Sam but that made me think of how Nash makes me feel special despite all his bullshit. 

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