Chapter 5

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Some girl tweeted and said "is @themattespinosa one?" I didn't say anything back because it's true but I feel more feelings towards Nash, even though he doesn't seem to be the right guy either. I had the urge to kiss Matthew earlier so i did but I had to pull away because I knew if I kept kissing him it would tear me apart knowing I had past history with him and him hurting me and me just giving myself right back to him. That's not how I work.

 I haven't heard from Taylor since that awkward thing we encountered maybe I should go see him. I got up and went to Taylor's room I knocked and Taylor answered shirtless. "Typical Taylor. Shirtless. Hiya" I said laughing. "Hey" he said awkwardly. "Dude it's okay here" I said and kissed him "there now it's not so awkward" I said giggling. He laughed. "So what'd you want" he asked. I told him the whole story and all he managed to say was "oh damn" "yeah Ik" I said back. "Well who do you like? I mean I follow you on twitter so I see your tweets haha" he said smirking. "That's not why I'm here. I'm here cause I need you to figure out who likes me between the 3 of them. I mean Cameron has grown so distant and I'm at the verge of going up to him and telling him everything and just walking away." I said. "I think you should tell Cam and What's in it for me?" He asked. "I kissed you so that's what in it" I said laughing he chuckled and said "I'll let you know by Friday. So in 3 days" he said. I hugged him "thanks detective Caniff". I left to my room I was kinda tired.

I saw Cameron in there. "Um hi?" I said. "Hey". He said and ran to hug me. "Get off" I said. "What why". "Because I'm sick of your mood swings. One day you're all pissy with me the next your loving.. It's annoying and I'm sick of it Cameron. I want the old Cameron back my best friend the one who never kept secrets from me. I don't know who you are." I left my hotel room I was gonna cry I ran into Matthew "you okay?" He asked. "YEAH MATT IM JUST FINE" I yelled. 

And I continued walking I was sick of everything. This is supposed to be a fun time not drama filled. I should just leave maybe then everything would be alright. I tweeted saying "I have a serious question guys. I love you all but maybe Magcon isn't the thing for me. Should I just leave..." I sat down on be curb of the hotel just by myself. It was getting darker but I didn't care. I felt someone touch my shoulder it was Nash.. "I saw your tweet" I just kept looking at the sky. "Don't leave I know things between you and Cam aren't the best right now but it will get better. He's kinda been helping me out so he isn't all that close with you." I turned towards him. 

"Helping you with what? Breaking up with your girlfriend you don't even deserve?" I said rolling my eyes and turning back around. "No Jasmine that's not what he's helping me with. It's embarrassing." He told me. "No Nash you know whats embarrassing the fact that I'm losing my best friend and the fact that Magcon is terrible and I'm just a mess." I said tears forming in my eyes.

 "That's not true. You're not losing Cam." He said. "Yes Nash I am. Where is he at? He's never around and when he is, hes just distant like he isn't even really there.  But what's so embarrassing to you? What's Cameron helping you with so that im nobody to him?" I asked looking into his eyes. "He's trying to help me talk to this girl I really like." he said. "Nash you have a girlfriend quit with this act" I said. "No jasmine I don't have a girlfriend I broke up with her at the park today." He said getting choked up. "Oh my gosh Nash.. I'm sorry." I said hugging him. 

"but I just figured I could talk to this girl by myself. I don't need Cam."  Nash said smashing his lips into mine. I wanted to pull apart but I'm kissing Nash the guy that I want. He finally pulled apart and said "don't apologize" and smiled and got up to leave. 

I bit my tongue I felt 10 times better now. I walked back inside and saw Matt by his hotel room door holding his head "I'm sorry for yelling at you Matt." I said and hugged him. "I love you best friend" I said and smiled. I got to my hotel room and I changed and was laying down. I was watching Nash's YouTube videos and I ended up staying up all night. 🌸.

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