Chapter 7

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 I called Taylor on the phone to ask if he found out who likes me. "Aye" I said when he answered. "Hi. I found out who likes youu" he said. "Oh my gosh who!" I said getting excited. "Matt and someone else." "Oh my gosh Taylor just tell me!" I said getting mad. "Nash.. But don't say anything." He said. I squealed. "Oh so you like him back?" He asked me."yeah I uh do. But don't tell anyone please" I said kinda afraid now. "I won't I won't" he told me. I ended the call and bit my lip.

I ended up going to talk to Cameron and Nash. When I got there it was nice and quiet in their room because they were on twitter. "Ayee" I said. "Hey girl" they said. "What's up boys. I'm really bored and wanna hang out with the cool boys" I said chuckling. "Well then sit down with us" they said. 

I sat down with them and we chilled. Cameron went to the bathroom so me and Nash were alone. "Um I have a question" he said. "Yeah?" "Who do you uh like" I felt my face getting red. "Uh no one?" I said. "I know you like someone because of your tweets." "Oh shit. I uh like um" "whoo" he asked. The guys came barging through the door. Phew.

 We all sat down and the guys were messing with me and it was really fun being with them. Taylor kept moving his eyes back and forth between me and Nash and smirking "What's with the face Taylor?" I asked giggling. "Oh nothingg" he said still doing it. "Taylor! I think I know what that look is and it better stop" I said getting annoyed. "Oh so you want me to get up and tell everyone huh?" He said raising his voice. "Why are you mad?" I raised my voice

  "Guys guys stop!" Cameron yelled. "Maybe because you like Nash, who doesn't fucking deserve you. While there are other guys here that are 100% in too you!" I looked at him shocked. Everyone else was looking at me shocked. 

I stood up and left I can't believe he did that.. I didn't even do anything to him! I didn't wanna go to my hotel room I just wanted to leave. I can't believe he said that in front of everyone especially Nash.. I went to the park and sat on the bench. It was dark and they kept texting me and calling me even Taylor was. I hate him I just hate him. Simple as that. Nash started calling too and I wanted to answer but I just needed my space so I just sat there and looked up at the stars.

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