Chapter Nineteen

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Me and Melvin: The mythical Bakura blush!
Bakura: The what?
Ryou: Don't ask. They are just being weird since they've never seen you blush.
Bakura: Are you serious?
Ryou: Completely.
Bakura: But I am a blushing buffoon when Marik is around.
Ryou: I know. I guess neither of them pay any attention.
Me and Melvin: Hey! Stop talking behind our backs!
Ryou: *giggles* You two are cute!
Me and Melvin: *looks at one another then start gagging*
Melvin: I'd rather date Florence.
Me: I'd rather get banished to the Shadow Realm for all eternity.
Bakura: *laughs* Good one, Ryou. You made them shut their faces real quick.
Ryou: *blushes* B- but I was being serious...
Me: *shivers* Ew...
Melvin: But we are together, Creampuff...
Ryou: I know but I just can't help it. You two remind me of Marik and Bakura. Always bickering and acting like you hate one another.
Me and Melvin: We do hate each other!
Ryou: *giggles*
Me: Anyways, I hope you all enjoy while I go vomit.

Marik's POV

"What the frig is taking him so long?" I grumbled to myself as I laid back in my bed. "It's been two weeks. Shouldn't he have checked if I was alive by now? Frig!" I rolled over, groaning at my aching and sore joints. As of late, the past week actually, I have been physically exhausted. Like I am getting up in the middle of the night and doing some hardcore workouts.

I actually use to do that but stopped due to the lack of sleep making me look less and less gorgeous. So, instead I keep to eating healthy and being as active as I can in my normal waking hours. It's worked so far, though Ryou's cooking I fear will have me gain so much weight.

That innocent limey puts drugs in his food, I know it! There's no other way his food can be so good!

Anyway... Uh... What was I talking about?

"Oh yeah! Frigin' Binky Boy being a dick! He won't just come and say anything! Does he not want me to leave this room, ever?" Laying on my stomach, I rested my head on my arms as I stared at my wall behind the head of my bed.

"I hope he wasn't serious on kicking me out," I mumbled to myself.

Normally I didn't try to think like this, because being a Debby-downer is lame and only meant for people like Bakura. However, I can't help it. I was fine at first- well, more like angry at first- but as the days turned to two weeks I have begun to get worried. I haven't heard a peep from Bakura. I'll hear when he leaves and comes home but, other than that, nothing. He doesn't speak, not even to shout at Ryou. I don't even think he has allowed Ryou to take over at all.

I gave an annoyed huff as I forced my fine, aching body to sit up. "It's all Bakura's fault. He just had to lose his temper and say those stupid things. If he would have just listened to me then we'd be still working to get the Pharaoh's Puzzle." I rolled my eyes as I laid back down on my back, looking up at my ceiling.

"Why would he even say stuff like that? He's such a frigin' ass. Stupid ancient homosexual spirit." Still unable to get the thoughts out of my mind, I simply continued to talk out loud. With no one around to hear me complain, I have had to rely on myself and I've realized how much I talk. It made me wonder if I always talk this much.


"I mean, I'm his eye candy! Why would he want to send me away?"

Yes, I know Bakura stares at me. I'm not stupid. Besides, have you all seen me? Why wouldn't he stare? I have worked hard to get this sexy body so I want it to be admired!

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah!

"He's a frigin' jerk and I hate him," I grumbled as I crossed my arms over my chest.

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