Chapter Four

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Me: Hahaha! You look like you are ready to kill him, Bakura!
Bakura: It has crossed my mind more than you would think.
Ryou: Oh, don't be so fussy, other me. You know you like to keep me around because I keep you company.
Bakura: Marik does that just fine.
Ryou: Yes but I don't constantly tease what's inside your trousers.
Bakura: have a point.
Me: Hahaha! Oh my goodness! Alright, well, on to the story.

Bakura's POV

I felt my mind wake but, when I woke, I found I was in my Soul Room. Surrounded by all of the familiarities that make me feel at home. I began to slowly notice just how much my Soul Room seemed to be split. One half of my Soul Room was filled with things that have been around since as long as I could remember. A maze empty book shelves. Some books were in place but most of the shelves were just filled with cobwebs and dust. It took me some time to figure out what my maze of empty shelves was but I eventually figured it out when I finally wandered into a part of the maze that had a book in it. It was an old book with a fancy Egyptian cover. When I opened it, I found memories flood my brain of a time I vaguely remember living. It was about my goals to gain the Millennium Items, thus beginning my quest. So, the old side of my Soul Room is my past but, just as the shelves and impossible maze showed, I had hardly anything within it.

Then there was the newer side of my Soul Room. It looked like a normal library the shelves full of books and labeled with sections of memories. Memories from when Ryou first activated the Millennium Ring to my favorite foods.

There was one brand new part of my Soul Room that I had yet to see and it made me hold my head in shame and grumble. There was an entire wall, looking like some flamboyant child organized the shelves, clearly labeled Marik at the top of the shelf.

"So this is what Ryou saw when he came in here. I can't believe that I have such a huge lustful drive for the fool," I grumbled to myself. "Speaking of that little runt," I stood up and looked around. "Why am I in my Soul Room with the door shut?"

I walked over to my Soul Room door and began to push it, the door opening with ease. Once the door was open I saw Ryou, curled up on the ground, and deep in sleep.

"Took control of your body for the night, I see," I said, though I know Ryou wouldn't hear me. I gave a stumped scowl as I bent down next to Ryou and watched him as his soul slept. "But why did you close the door? What did you not want me to know?"

Brushing the question aside, I picked up Ryou and went to his Soul Room and placed him in his bed. Ryou, once in his bed, instantly curled up with one of his pillows and seemed to tense up a bit, which made no sense.

Why is he so tense? He was completely lax when in the void.

I quickly shook my head and growled at myself. "Whatever. I don't care." With that said, I walked back to the void and stood there so I could take back control of Ryou's body.

My real eyes fluttered open and my physical senses kicked in and the first thing I felt was the warm presence of another body wrapped around me. To make matters worse, my embracer was topless. My mind suddenly remembered Marik asking to sleep with me- it felt like a ton of bricks striking my head all at once- and I quickly shot my eyes up to see Marik holding me like a body pillow. His arms were wrapped around me tightly- one around my waist while the other was holding the back of my head- and his face was buried in my hair.

My mind was screaming at me with mixed signals. A part of me wanted to quickly pull out of Marik's grip and scream while the other part wanted me to stay still and enjoy Marik holding me then act stupid when Marik finally woke up. I was super close to siding with the part of me that wanted to just stay still but my mind seemed to agree on a happy medium. So, I slowly- painfully slow mind you- pulled out of Marik's grip and rolled him back on his side of the bed, fixing Marik's pillow barricade. I considered trying to put Marik's pajama shirt back on but decided against it because I saw that going horribly wrong.

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