Chapter 35. It's time for the end?

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Linda looks at Alec as he lowers the bow. "Access." Linda growls a little but Alec smiles. "You are quite wrong about that Linda. There is now Access here." he says and lets the hood fall off his head. Linda looks at him and it look like her eyes grow bigger but that was not possible.  "You... You are..." Linda stars to say and Prim lets her hood fall down to. "With the true queen of Seir of course." Prim says and Linda narrows her eyes. "Prim." Linda growls darkly.

Sarah smiles as she sees it and she looks back at her army and friends and she could see that they were worried about how this was going to turn out. "What are you guys waiting for! Kill them!" Linda screams towards the orcs and trolls thst was standing beside Prim and Alec and Sarah turns her head to see how this was going to end.

The orcs and trolls looks at each other before they looks at Prim and Alec before they turns their heads towards Linda. "Why would we? We already knew about this and we do not follows orders from someone like you." The older orc says to Linda before he looks towards Sarah. "Queen Sarah." He says and Sarah smiles. "It's good to see that you are all in good shape and I hope Prim have not been to hard on you all." she says.

"Mira, did you knew about this to?" Jareth whispers to Mira and everyone looks at her but Mira shakes her head. "I have no idea about this." she says and they all turend their heads towards the little battle before them. "So I will ask you again, are you sure you do not want to give up?" Sarah says and Linda looks towards her with pure hatred and murdered in her eyes. "I will never give up, this might have been a sit back but you have forgoten about one little thing." Linda says and puts one of her hands towards the sky. "I do have some other soldiers behind me." She adds as creatures of dark ages comes out from the shadows and forest.

Sarah looks at them all and swallowed. She did not expect that their would be so many her mother would of have called for and she hope thay they have a loot of pure light on their side to pull all of this of. "Attack!" Linda screams and the creatures that were following her went to attack. Sarah did not have to say anything to ghe goblins who were running past her to meet up the enemies before they got to close to Sarah. Sarah smiles at them and walk back to the other's. "When did the orcs and trolls join us?" Jareth asks as she reach them and Sarah looks at them.

"When I learned that they did not like my mother and were loyal to Alec and Prim. And the forest they were hiding in do know belong to them when all of this is over." Sarah says and looks at Spade. "I hope you have no problem with me giving a way that dark forest to them?" Sarah asks and Spade shakes his head. "Not after what you have managed to do here." He says.

The fight were still going in front of Sarah's eyes and everything was red around her. She could see dead bodies of enemies and soldiers from her said all around her and she looks at the sword in her hand and sees the bloodred blade. She was happy that hse had been trained bht she was not happy to kill anyone. She looks around herself and she could see her friends fighting with out any problems, or that is what she thought about things.

They hade been fighting for a long time and they have managed to get the upper hand in the fight and the soliders her mother hade have with her were not as many anymore. "Lady Sarah are you alright?" A voice says behind her and Sarah turns around and sees Alec. "I'm alright, I think." She says and Alec looks at her. "Have you decide on what you will do to your mother?" he asks and Sarah stops. "No I have not. Can't so someone just kill her and make it look like and an accident." She says and Alec smiles.

"That can be arranged my lady." He says and Sarah looks at him with big eyes. "I did not mean it, but I can not come up with anything else." She says. "Think about it my lady. If your mother dies the problems that have been on you for so long will be gone." Alec says and Sarah close her eyes a little. "Do it Alec." She then says and opens up her eyes. "Yes my lady." he says and was soon gone once more. Sarah takes a deep breath before she starts to walk into the fight once more.

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