Chapter 10. Meeting's in the shadows.

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When Sarah was fighting both Thróindur and Lamia to went her anger there was a meeting not far from the land of Seir in the dark forest. The creatures that was in hiding here was in a big figh over what they were going to do next.

The dark feas and elves wants to attack now but the trolls and orcs had learned there lesson and wanted to wait until the queen had learned to control her powers, witch was something the dark feas througth was a stupid ide. They wanted to attack now when she did not know how to use her magic and this was the best time.

"I say we attack tonight, when they are all asleep." one of the dark faes says and the once that was following him nodded. "It will be no good. We have to wait." one of the orcs says and looks at the dark fea.

"And I have to say that for the first time in... Well... Forever I´m on the orcs side in all of this." a voice says from no where and everyone starts to look around them. Two shadows walk out from the darkness and one of them stars up a fire in the middle of the meeting area. Everyone was looking at the two hooded people that had join them.

"Who are you!" one of the dark elves says darkly towards them but the trolls and orcs takes a few steps back when they sees who the two people where.

"Lady Finn, Lord Access!" the orcs says and bows together witht the trolls. "Lady Finn, what a big surprised. I never thought you would join us for a meeting. You always sends Lord Access to the meetings." one of he trolls says and one of the hooded couple looks at the trolls.

"I can go again if that is what you want, but then you will lose the information that I have." the person says and it was a voice of a woman. The trolls and orcs looks down to the ground. "No, no stay." one of them says and a evil smile could be seen under the hood. The person turns her head towards the dark feas and elves and nodes.

"We have not come to meet each other yet.  My name is Finn and this is my brother Access, we are the one that have make sure that everything up until know have gone according to the plan. If you guys have a problem with how we are planing things then go ahead and attack the castle of Seri tonight. But do not come running back to use afterwords when you all have lost." she says.

"Why would we come running back here? Now is the best time to go to attack. The queen is week and she do not know how to use her magic." the fea that had spoken earlier says once more and the woman walks up to stand in front of the fea.

"Well it is easy for you to say, you have been living here all your life and you are a full breed fea. The queen is only a half fea and she has to much powers to handle. To go into a fight with  her and the kingdom now is not a good plan. But I know that the queen is soon to begin her training in using her powers and we can soon be on our way." she says and returns back towards the other person once more.

"How can you know about that!" the dark fea says and crosses his arms and the women smiles grows. "Easy, I have managed to get a job in the castle. That is why I know all that is going on there. And that is why I can come with information like this." she says.

"Be happy you have me here or you all would be dead before this night is over." she says with a mocking voice. The man beside her starts to smile a little and she could see how the trolls and orcs was trying not to laugh at he reaction on the dark feas and elves. "Now, is there anyone else who wants to say something?" she asks but everyone only shakes there heads.

The woman nodes. "Good, if you remember something talk to Access, I have to return back to the castle before anyone realizes that I´m gone." the woman says and turns around and starts to walk away. When she leaves the group the fire dies.

The woman disappears in a could of smoke and was soon standing not far away from the castle of Seir. The woman rises her hands towards the hood and pushes it of her head and one could see that it was Prim. She smiles and takes of the cape.

"They really are idiots. All of them." she says to herself and makes the cape return to her room and she starts to walk towards the castle. She walks in and looks around herself and can see that everything is calm.

She stared to walk towards the training room to see how  things was going for Sarah. But she was surprised when she comes to the room and founds both Thròindur and Lamia laying on the floor.

"What happened here!" she asks and looks at them. "Angry woman's are to scary!" Thròindur says. "Remind me to never get on Lady Sarah's bad side when she has a sword in her hand." Lamia says and Prim could not help but to smile at them. "Common you two. Let's get something to eat okey?" she says and helps the two men of the floor. But there was no sign of where the angry Lady has gone of to.


Sorry the short chapter. but I did not know where to put in the story line so it ended up in its own chapter.

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