Chapter 25. Truth behind the dark

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Sarah had finely found her way to the dining room and she sat down with the reast of the federation that was still there. She was half listening to what the other's was talking about. "Hey, have you guy's had a feeling something is not right here?" Sarah soon asks and the group looks at her. "Whar do you mean?" Ithil asks and Sarah only shakes her head.

"It's nothing. I think I did not get such a good sleep last night." she says and smiles a little. The group looks at each other before they looks at Sarah one last time. "If you says so." Ithil says and Sarah nods her head. When she sees that her friends had returnd back to what they were doing Sarah turns her head towards the windows and looks out side. She was sure there was a darkness in tne sky that was not normal but it look like she was the only one that could see it.

Suddenly the doors to the dining room flow opend and everyone jump a little and turns their heads towards the door. Sarah had hope it would of have been Prim returning back with the goblin army but she was wrong. In the the door opening stod Alec. He was breathing hard and he soon looks up at the group. "Lady Sarah, I need to speak with you. And that is now." he says. Sarah looks surprised at him and she had a feeling she was not the only one.

Sarah rises slowly from her seat and starts to walk towards Alec. "What's the mater?" she asks and Alec looks at her. "We can not talk about it here." he says quietly and Sarah nods her head. "Alright." she says and starts to wal away from the dining room leading Alec down to her study. "Welcome in." she says as she opens the door and walks to sit in her chair. Alec walks in after her and closes the door behind him before he walks to sit down on the chair in front of Sarah's desk.

"So, what has happened that is so secret that the other's can't know about?" Sarah asks and Alec looks at her. "I do have a feeling that Prim have already told you that the dark fea and elf's thinks that your mother will be returning am I correct?" Alec asks and Sarah nods her head slowly. Her face had turned in to stone. "Well, I'm not happy to bring you more bad knews but. Some how she managed and she is back already." Alec says. Sarah was not showing any emotions at all, she only rised from her seat and walks over to the window and looks out side.

"Then that would explain why I can see a darkness coming towards my land." she says after a few minutes of silence. Alec looks at her. "What do you want to do my lady?" he asks. Sarah keeps looking outside when she makes a crystal in her hand. She takes the crystal towards her. "Prim, I want you to come to my study. Now!" she says and the crystal broke. Alec swallowed a little before he looks away from Sarah's back.

The door to the study suddenly opens and Prim walsk in. She stops dead when she sees Alec sitting there and was about to say something but Alec shakes his head and pointed a little towards the stone could Sarah. Prim looks towards Sarah before she closes the door. "You called for me my lady." Prim says and looks at Sarah but she did not move. "Things has gotten worse Prim. My mother is already here." Sarah says in a dark voice and Prim looks at her with big eyes before she looks st Alec whi nods sadly.

"But how?" Prim asks and Alec shakes his head. "I do not know. She did not want to answer on that question." Alec says. Prim looks at him and then towards Sarah. "So what are we going to do?" she asks and this time Sarah turns around.

"This is what we have to do. Alec, you will return back. Tell them that Prim or what ever she calls herself there can not come. Tell them we thinks that there is a traitor among my workers so she has to lay low." Sarah says and Alec nods. "Then I want to know if everyone is going to follow my mother or there is those who still wants to follow you and Prim. Maybe we can use them in the future." Sarah says once more. "I will do that my lady." Alec says and Sarah nods.

"Good. Prim could we borrow goblins from the Goblin king?" Sarah asks and looks at Prim. "Yes my lady, they are out there right now working." Prim answers. "Good. And to the last thing. No one and I mean no one is allowed to know of this. Is that understood.  I do not want them to know. Not know. My mother has yet not made a move so we will keep this quite as long as we can." She says and Prim and Alec looks at each other.

"Are you sure my lady?" Prim asks and Sarah looks at her with deadly eyes. "It's an order." she says and Prim takes a step back. "Yes my lady." she says and looks down. "Good, now go!" she says and Alec rises from his seat and he and Prim leaves the room. "I never thought I would see so much raged in her." Alec says and Prim shakes herself a little to lose the scary feeling.

"Now I understsnd why she and Jareth can't stand each other." Prim says and Alec nods. "Did you also got that feeling that she was Nero?" he asks and Prim nods her head. "Very much yes. But you better go now. I will tell the federstion they can go home for the day and that Sarah is in a very bad mood." she says and Alec nods his head. "I will see you soon again." he says and was gone in the next second.

Prim takes a deep breaht and walks in to the dining room and she looks at thr federation. "Sorry guys. No fun today either. The lady of the land is in a very bad mood. I thought she was going to take my head of as soon as I look in to her study to tell her my work was done." she says to the group. "Well she did seem a little of before to." Thróindur says and the rest of the group nods there heads.

"Well a lot of things have happened the past few days so." Prim says and she could soon hear an explosion. "Great, bring goblins here and the first things they do are blowinv things up." Prim says to herself and the group looks at her. "Goblins? Why are there goblins here?" Silbermond asks and Prim smiles a little. "That was what Sarah wanted me to bring. I have no idea of what she has in mind this time." Prim says.

After Prim and Alec had left her Sarah had been walking around in her study trying to calm down. But she could not calm down, not knowing that her mother was in this world right at this moment probably planing on what moves she was going to do. After a few minutes Sarah was sitting down in her chair once more.

By now she really wish she had some one she could tell, some one she could trust would keep things quite. Sarah shakes her head and creates a crystal in her hand and was about to call for Jareth when she changed her mind. If Jareth would know that her mother was here he would make sure that this war stared on real right at this moment.

Then she stared to think about the high queen but she put away that fought to. She would not be able to keep quite. She did not want to turn to anyone in the federation or the court. Sarah crosses the crystal she had in her and leans back in her chair and closes her eyes.  This was going to be a very long day that was one thing she knew already.


A horse was suddenly pulled to a stop outside of the castle of Seir and a woman jump of the horse and looks at the castle. "Finally here." She says to herself and pets the horse on its neck.  "You can return back to the forest now my dear. I will call for you if I will need you again." She says and the horse shakes its head and turns around and stared to run towards the forest once more.

The woman takes a few deep breaths before she starts to walk towards the big doors to knock on them. After a few minutes of waiting the door opens up and a guard was standing in front of the woman. "Can I help you?" the guard asks and the woman looks at him. "I thing you can yes. I'm looking for a Sarah Williams." The woman says and the guard looks at her.

"And who are you?" he asks and the woman starts to smile. "Tell her that an old friend is looking for her." The woman says and the guard looks closely at the woman before he nods. "Wait here then." He says and closes the door once more. The woman walks to sit on the stairs as she awaits her old friend.

The guard walks past the federation group but soon stops and looks at them. "Have anyone of you seen the lady around?" the guard asks and the group stops and looks at him. "I think she is in her study but according to Prim she is not in a very good mood." Ithil says and the guard shakes his head. "Just my lucky day then." He says.

"What is it this time?" Thróindur asks. "There is a woman looking for Sarah outside." The guard says and the group looks at each other this time. "There is?" Silbermond asks. "Yes, I told her to wait outside." The guard says and starts to walk towards Sarah's study. The group looks at each other.

"Shall we go and see who it is or not?" Ithil says. "We can go and see who it is and if Sarah asks why we are there we can say that we were on our way home and found the woman outside." Rameyn says. "Sounds like a perfect plan." Thróindur says and the group stared to walk towards the door once more.

They opens up the doors and they could see the woman sitting on the ground. The woman looks up when she heard someone coming and she looks at the group. "Who are you?" Ithil asks and the woman rises up. "I'm looking for Sarah. I'm an old friend from the above." The woman says.

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