Chapter 14. The end of the fight

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Jareth cover his eyes with his hand to not get blinded by the light that was coming from the castle. As soon as the light died down he lowers his hand. "What happened?" He says and looks around.

"Jareth!" Prim calls and he turns around and looks at her. "Yes Prim what is it?" He asks. "Have you seen Lady Sarah! I never saw her come out of the castle during the fight!" Prim says and comes up beside Jareth.

"No I have not seen he..." Jareth starts to say before he looks towards the castle. "No..." He says and starts to run towards the castle.

Prim looks after him and then at the castle. "They did not..." She says quietly.

Jareth sees around himself as he runs. "Please be safe my love." he says and looks in front of him. "I'm fine." a voice says and Jareth stops and turns his head to the side and he could see Sarah.

She smiles weakly towards him. Her clothes were messed up and she looks very tired. She was holding her left hand over her right shoulder. Jareth walks fast towards her.

“What happened?” he asks and a hint of worried could be found in his voice. “I do not really know what happened.” She says and Jareth waves his and a stone bench was beside Sarah and she sits down on it.

“Are you hurt?” he asks and looks at her.  “I’m fine. But how is it with everyone else?” she asks and looks towards the group that was moving slowly towards the castle once more. Thindra was the first one to see Sarah and Jareth and she stared to run towards them.

“Sarah!” she says and stops dead when she sees how Sarah looks. “But Sarah dear, what happened?” she asks and sits down beside her on the bench. Sarah lets out a sigh.

“I’m fine. Just, take everyone inside and do a check up and help dose who are hurt.” She says and takes of her necklace. “Here Thindra. Go and make sure those that I have put in safety can come out again.” She says and Thindra nodes and takes the necklace and walks away.

The next person that comes towards them was Prim. She looks at Sarah and was on her way to say something but Sarah only rises her hand. “Stop. I do not want to hear that question. Get everyone inside to heal them up.” She says and looks at Prim.

“If you say so my lady. Jareth, I will need your help.” Prim says but Jareth looks at Sarah. “Go, I’m fine.” She says and Jareth nodes a little and he walk away with Prim to help out with the people that had gotten hurt during the battle. Sarah looks at the people that walk past her and she nodes towards a few of them before she turns her head towards the dark sky.

There were no stars out this night and the moon was hidden behind some dark clouds. Sarah closes her eyes when she could fell the first drop of rain on her face and she smiles a little.

Jareth looks around at the people that were sitting on the floor and he could see the members of the unicorn clan and elf clan were walking around to help the people that was badly. He looks around and sees his mother and walks over to her. She was talking to Prim about the things.

“How are things going?” he asks and the two woman looks at him. “We were lucky. It could of have been worse. Much worse. Whatever that light was it help us. If we would of have been fighting longer we would of have lost a lot of good soldiers and high ups.” Prim says. 

“It was good that Sarah had sent away Zaleilah to get back up healers. We really needed it.” Thindra says and Prim nodes. “Speaking of the lady. Have she come inside yet or is she still outside in the rain?” Prim asks and looks around a little.

“I think she is still outside.” Jareth says and he could see how Prim and his mother look at each other. “Well, if you do not have anything to do you can go to her and see if you can get her to come in here before she catches a could.” Prim says and Thindra turns Jareth and pushes him towards the door that was leading outside.

“Alright, alright!” Jareth says and starts to walk towards the door. But he did not get far before he could hear his father calling for him and he stops. “What is it father?” he asks and looks at him.

“I wanted to tell you that I’m going to heed back home to talk to the high court and to tell them what is going on.” Spade says and Jareth looks at him. “Why do you tell me?” he asks and looks at him.

“Well, I do not wish to talk to you mother about this yet. She will only make things worse.” Spade says and Jareth only shakes his head. “Well you beater talk to her, and you beater say you are sorry to Sarah to. But go for now. We can take all of those things later.” Jareth says and starts to walk once more before his father had any changes to say anything about it.

Jareth finally got to the door and stops at he could see Sarah sitting outside in the rain. He takes of his jacket and walks out to her and sits down beside her on the bench and lays his jacket over her shoulders.

Sarah had had her eyes closed the whole time but she jumps a little when Jareth accidentally touched her left arm. Jareth stops in his movement.

“Sarah, are you really sure you are alright?" he asks and looks at her. Sarah looks up at Jareth. “Yes, I’m fine.” She says and Jareth touched her arm one more time and Sarah jump again and let out a sound of pain.

“Because it do not look or sound like you are alright.” He says and looks at her. “What happened?” he asks and Sarah takes a deep breath and starts to tell him how she had followed after the shadow down to the room and how she had seen the bomb on the big crystal in the room.

- Sarah looks down on her sword. “Well, there is nothing else I can do.” She says and throws her sword towards the bomb and the room started to shine brightly.

Soon after that a shock wave was let out from the big crystal and Sarah was smashed to the wall and she could hear how her arm mad a cracking sound and she screams of the pain but she could not move because of the shock waves.

But they soon died down and Sarah was finding herself lying on the floor in great pain. She moves her head to look at the crystal and could see that the bomb was gone and her sword was lying on the floor.

She stared to rise up but the pain in her left arm was very big and she had to bit herself in the tongue to not let out more sound in case of there were other of those who had attack the castle was here.

She looks down on her left arm and moved it so it was lying over her torso so it would not be in the way and she moved to get her sword before she left the room and the big crystal after her.

She soon found her way out of the castle and she could see Jareth walking in a fast speed towards the castle and she could hear him talk to himself and she smiles a little. “I am.” She says and she could see Jareth stops dead. –

Jareth looks at her. “But what was that crystal and why would someone want to blow it up?” he asks and Sarah looks down to the ground.

“I do not know. But I know one thing. I will spend all of my day in the library and try to found out what it is.” She says and Jareth nodes.

“If you need the help I can help you.” He says and looks at Sarah’s arm. “But for now we need to get you inside to get that arm of yours fixed up again.” He says and Sarah looks at him. She was about to say something but Jareth lift her up and walk back in to the castle once more.

“Lady Zaleilah! I have some one here that needs help!” Jareth calls and puts Sarah down on the floor. Sarah looks at him with narrowed eyes as Zaleilah was running towards them. “You will get for this!” She says quietly before Zaleilah reached them and Jareth only smiled towards her. 

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