Chapter 20. Friend or foe?

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Sarah soon finds Prim and walks up behind her in silence.  "Prim!" she says in Prims ear and she jumps and turns around and looks at Sarah. "My lady!" she says and puts her hand over her heart. "Why did you do that!" she says and Sarah only smiles. "Beacuse I can and it is funny." she says and looks at the not so happy Prim in front of her. Sarah keeps smiling and she could see the change in Prim's face when she finally realised that she was back.

"Sarah! " Prim half shouts and Sarah laugh a little once more. "Hello Prim." she says and starts to walk and Prim followed her. "When did you returned?" Prim asks and Sarah looks at her. "Only a few minutes ago." she says as if it was nothing. "Come on Sarah, tell me what happened?" Prim says and keeps her eyes on Sarah.

"Well, I got up to the aboveground, no one was home so I did not need to think of that. My mother shows up soon after. I told her that I knew everything about her being banish and that you brought me down here. She was not happy and was going to attack me but the protection spell throw her back. I but up a warning that she would never be able to get near my family up there and then I walk back into the house and I saw her leave and after that I was out on a walk in the city for old memories sake and then I returend back here." Sarah say with a calm voice as if it was not a big deal. She kept out a lot of the things that really have happened to be one the safe side in all of this.

"Was that all?" Prim asks and Sarah nods. "Yes." Sarah says and Prim shakes her head. "I thought things would turn out worse." Prim says and Sarah looks in front of her. "Well, my mother might have learned that it is no good on doing things now." She says but Prim shakes her head.

"That do not sound like her. But she has spend a long time in the above so maybe." Prim says and was in deep thought when suddenly one of the castle guards comes towards them. "Prim, there is a man seeking you and he says it is urgent. And if you would not like to come he said I would say that it is a very important messed from some AT. " The guard says and Prim looksat him.

"Tell him I will meet him soon in my office. " She says and the guard nods and runs away. Sarah looks at Prim. "What was that about?" she asks and Prim looks at her. "It's an old firend, I better see what he wants or we will never hear the end of it. Why do you not go ad visit Jareth? I think I saw him here soon after you left." She says and Sarah crosses her arms and anger could bee seen in her eyes.

"I do not wish to see that man ever again!" she says and Prim looks at her. "I thought you two was starting to get a long?" she says surprised and Sarah shakes her head. "Only for a few seconds." she says and turns around and walks away. "Is lady Zaleilah still here?" she soon calls and Prim looks after her.

" I think so yes." she says and Sarah was soon gone. Prim shakes her head. "It would be much easier if those two could start to get a long." she says to her self and then remebers that her friend was waiting for her and she stared to run down the corridor to her work room.

She opens the door and she could see a man standing there with his hood down. Prim looks at him, walks in and closes the door. "What are you doing here!" she growls towards the man and makes sure the door is locked.  "We have run into some big problems." the man says and Prim looks at him. "What do you mean!" she says and looks at the man with narrowed eyes. "You better come with me to the meeting." he says and Prim walks over to her closet and takes out her cape and puts it on. She turns around to look at the man who had put up the hood now and she do the same and they were gone in a could of smoke.

Prim walks with the man beside her towards the new hiding place for the dark once and when they reach the place she could hear the fight between them. "Why do you guys always have to fight every time I get here!" Prim speaks up loudly and everyone turns around and looks at her and the man. "Lady Finn, Lord Access." the big group says and they become quite.

"Now tell me what is going on here!" Prim says and walks into the center of it all and looks at them. "The are saying that the banish princess will soon return and then this all will end. But we all know that she do no longer have any power in her to make such a trip and why should we follow her when she was the one that left us all and you and Lord Access has help us ten times more." one of the orcs says and Prim lost allnof her color in her when she heard them talk about the banish prinsess and she looks towards the dark feas and swallowed a little before she spoke. "Is this true!" she says and was surprised that her voice did not failed her.

"It's true. She told me so her self, she would find a way to return her and then nothing can stops us from doing as planned." The dark fea said and Prim narrowed her eyes and they started to glow under the hood.

"She will not return. She would know that by know that there is no way to return so you all can but that idea out of your heads. Even if she would be wished away down her she would not be allowed in. You all know the price of being banish. Or do you want to me to remind you all beacuse I can easily banish you all down to that hell." Prim says with a deadly voice and she could se that everyone takes a few steps back from her.

"Good, now if I ever learn that any of you speaks of that women once more and you will join her." Prim says once again and everyone nods. "Good, now has anyone done something good when I have been away?" she asks and a little orc takes a step forward.

"Yes my lady. When they where planing to welcome back the other woman me and my team found some underground tuneless that lead us to the goblin city." the little orc says and Prim looks at it. "That was good news." She says. "This could change things. Change it to the better." she says and looks towards the man.

"Take Access with you and show him where the tuneless are and he can tell me afterwards and we will but up a battle plane. In the main time, the people here that is left start prepare your self for the battle. We do not afford to lose another battle." she says and everyone around her nodes there heads. "Good, then why are you all standing her! Go on, get a move on!" She says and everyone stared to run around her.

She turns around and nods towards the man. "And do not pull the same stunt as you did before." she wispers to him and he nods a little and follows after the orcs and Prim starts to walk out of the place.

She decided to walk back to the castle so she could get some time to think. She was a little afraid that Sarah's mother would find a way to get back here and if she did things was not to end pretty. Prim keeps walking in deep thoughts and she did not realise she was out of the forest until she heard someone saying her name and she turns her head to the side and her eyes grows big when she sees that it had been Sarah that had spoken.

Sarah was siting on Northern Dancer, she was looking at the hooded person that had come out from the forest and she could see that it was Prim. "Prim? But I thought you was talking your friend, so what are you doing here and why hiding in that hood?" Sarah says and things soon sees the truth. "You!" she says with a dark voice.

"You are the one that have sold us out!" she says and Prim lowers her hood. "Lady Sarah I can...." Prim starts to say but Sarah puts up her hand. "No! I do not want to hear it. Save it to the meeting!" she says. "Until then. Have fun in prison." Sarah closes her eyes and summon her power to send Prim away. When Prim was gone Sarah lowers her head.

"Jareth I need you." she says quietly.

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