Chapter 4. Meeting in the Goblin Kingdom

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Jareth walks around in his study. Prim had asked for a court meeting at his place today, nothing he really did not have any problems whit. He was glad his old friend finely stared to be interested in the things that happen around the lands of Seir.

But what he did not understand was why she had written to his father and ask him to join and his father had come yesterday. His father had only told him that Prim had something she needed to tell or show them and he was needed for it all.

He had tried to get a hold of her all day yesterday but whit no luck. He had been over there but the people that are working in the castle did not know where she was or when she was to return.

Jareth sits down on his chair whit a sigh. Time really was a pain at the moment. Still no one had tried to attack his land. But he had heard other lands had been. He knew nothing about what was going on within the borders of Seir but he had heard rumors that they had been attacks towards that land. But he did not really believe that.

Prim comes to the meetings but she never said anything. Every time he had tried to ask her she had told him that she had no time standing around and talk. A knock on his door makes him look up. "Yes?" he says and the doors opened. A little goblin looks in. "Kingie, it is time!" The little goblin said and Jareth rises from his chair. "Thank you." he said and left his study in a shower of glitter.

He pops up in front of two big oak doors. He had a white poet shirt on and a black leather jacket, his black gloves, gray tight and his black boots. He opens up the doors and looks at the group in the room. Everyone was there except for one, Prim.

Jareth nodes to everyone and walks over to his chair and mumbling over that Prim were late. "So Jareth. Why are we here?" one of the males asks and Jareth looks up. "Well, I really do not know why we are all here. It was Lady Prim who wanted to meet with us all and she ask if we could have the meeting here. More than that I do not know and I have not been able to get hold of her." Jareth says and the man nodes.

"Well if it is Lady Prim who wants to speak with us all then there has to have happened something." Zaleilah says whit a little smile and Jareth nodes and misses the mysterious smile on Zaleilah.


"Come on my lady, we are going to be late! And believe me, it is not fun to be late for this kind of meetings!" Prim shouts from the entrees. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Can you not take it easy for a minute?" Sarah comes running towards Prim.

"No I cannot take it easy for a minute. It is a big day." Prim says and looks at Sarah and she did a face to it all. Prim could tell that Sarah was not happy to see the goblin kingdom or its king again.

"Well, we are already late and you do not yet know what your animal form is so I guess we need to ride." Prim says and she could see the color in Sarah’s face fade and she sighs. "What is it now?" She asks.

"I have never ridden before." Sarah says and Prim shakes her head. "Yet another thing to put on your need to learn list then." She says and Sarah looks down. "Do not worry, you can ride behind me. So hurry up!" Prim says and turns around to the black horse standing a few feet away.

Sarah looks at the horse and then at Prim and follows after her. Prim jumps up on the horse and helps Sarah up behind her. "Hold on my lady." Prim said and urged the horse in to gallop. Sarah holds her arms around Prim and closed her eyes. It took not long before the horse stop again. "My lady, you can open your eyes now and jump of the horse." Prim says and Sarah opens here eyes and looks around a little.

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