Chapter 9. Training and unexpected visit.

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Sarah takes a few deep breaths and looks in front of her. Thróindur stands in front of her whit a big grin. "Are you tired already my lady?" he asks and Sarah narrows her eyes. "Never!" she says, takes a new grip on her sword and makes an attack towards the dwarf in front of her. Thróindur laugh a little and jumps away.

"You need to be faster and need to think out your attack plan before you try to strike the person in front of you." He says and was standing behind Sarah whit his sword towards her back. Sarah turns around and looks at him. "Let me see you do the steps I show you before one more time" he says and Sarah nod.

They have been training seen early morning. After the little meeting whit the high king yesterday morning Sarah had send out words to the clans that she would need help whit training. Thróindur had answer he cud help out whit learning her how to work whit sword. Ithil had promised to teach her archery, Rameyn and Silbermond had said they would help her to train up her speed and Zaleilah had told her she could help her ride a horse. Sarah had figure out it would be a smart move to start learning how to handle a sword and Thróindur had been there the first thing in the morning and they have been training up in till now.

Sarah was moving around the floor and working on the moves Thróindur had shown her. "Good, good. You know them. Now let us do them when we are using the sword agents each other lady Sarah." he says and Sarah nod. "Yes." she says and takes her sword and stands in the right position. Thróindur moved as fast as Sarah did the first time but at the second time he moved faster but Sarah was still able to follow him whit out any bigger problems.

But when they finally were training as if there were enemy the problem came. There had been an empty chair in the room but it was not empty any more. Lamia smiled when he was watching the scene in front of him. "Lady Sarah, I did not know you were in to fighting." he says and Sarah jump to it but was trying not to lose her concentration towards Thróindur.

"What do you want Lamia?" she ask and keeps on moving around. "I just wanted to see whit my own eyes if you really where up to be a fighter." he says and Sarah snorts a little. "Of cores I wish to be a fighter. It is my land and I have promised to do whatever I can to protect it!" She says and looks towards Lamia for a second.

Too bad it was a second to long and Thróindur's sword was pointed towards Sarah's neck. "You need to stay focus or else you will lose your head for real." he says and lower his sword. "Lamia, I do hope you are watching very carefully and are not only here to torment lady Sarah in her training." Thróindur says and narrows his eyes towards Lamia. Lamia laughs a little to what Thróindur said.

"Why should I be the one watching carefully? Is it not the lady that is in training here?" he asks but he soon stops to laugh when a sword was right beside his head with the edge of the sword in the wall behind him. Lamia looks at the sword and then turns his head towards Sarah, even Thróindur looks at Sarah with a surprised look on his face before he starts to laugh.

"Are you sure you want to learn the sword my lady? I think you would be good whit an ax." he says but Sarah only shakes her head and walks towards Lamia and drags the sword out of the wall behind him."I´m not the only one here that needs to train." she says and walks back to where she and Thróindur had been training.

"Alright, lets return back to training" she says and Thróindur nodes his head. "Of course my lady" he says and swing his sword a little by his side before the two of them begun to dance once more on the training floor. Lamia buts his arms across and looks at them but they were soon interrupt once more when one of the workers in the castle comes in.

"My lady Sarah, there is some one here who wants to meet with you!" the worker says and Sarah lets out a deep breath. "What is it this time." she says to herself and puts her sword back to her hip one more. "The person who is seeking you is in the throne room my lady." the worker says and bows a little. "Tell the person I will be there soon." she says and the worker nodes and walks out.

Sarah looks at Thróindur and Lamia. "Well, looks like my training is over. Thróindur, do not kill Lamia when you train him." she says with smile and starts walking towards the door. "I will do my best my lady" Thróindur calls and he looks towards Lamia. "Wait a minute. Why in the name of underground do I need to be trained?" Sarah could here Lamia says before she was gone.

As she walks down the corridors she looks down on her cloths a little. "Well, I do not have time to change so who ever the person is have to deal with me in my training cloths." she says to herself and keeps up her walk and soon reached the doors and opens them up and walks in. She did not look at the person, who was standing in the room; she only looks towards her throne as she walks towards it.

She hangs her sword over the thrones back and sits down. She raises her eyes to see who the person was and she lost all of her color. In front of here was the only person she did not expect to have come. "Goblin King? And what do me the owner of having you here?" she says and tries to stay calm and not to give herself away. Jareth looks at her with a little surprised.

She had only walk past him without even looking at him. "Lady Sarah." he says, it was the only thing he could say at this moment. Sarah looks at him and could not help but smile a little. "Well Goblin King, if that is the only thing you are to say then I have to return back to my training before Thróindur kills Lamia and makes it look like an accident." she says and Jareth lifts his head when he hears the name of Lamia.

When Sarah sees his reaction she starts to smile bigger to herself. "Well?" she asks. "Can not one of the members of the council come here for a visit?" he asks and Sarah looks down on him. "Not when one shows the way here for the high king." she says.

She had still not forgiven the high king and she had a feeling he would try something again. If not now then later into the future. Jareth looks at her. "I have nothing to do with what my father is planning." he says. "Oh, you had not?" she says with a little mocking voice.

"I had not. Beside, why are you even here!" he says and he stared to turn in to the person Sarah had meet for 10 years ago. "Did you not listen to wait was said during the meeting a few days ago?" she asks and starts to relax in her chair whit a smile on her lips. "I was in my own mind maybe." he says and Sarah shakes her head.

"And you were not spying on me during the party then to?" she asks and she could see the changing in Jareth. "O yes I know about you and those dam crystals of yours." she says and her smile turns in to a smiker. "I only watch the beginning." he says and Sarah nodes. "Right, you stop watching after your mother walk out on stage beside me." she says.

"My mother has talk to you then." he says quietly but Sarah could still hear him."No she did not. I have always known every time you used those crystals to spy on me so." She says and Jareth looks up at her. "You have?" he asks and Sarah nodes. "Yes, so what was it now you wanted to know? A right, why I am here was it not? Did you not listen to me when I said to you father yesterday either? I´m the granddaughter to the late queen and I am here to stay. Was there something else that you wanted to know?" she asks.

"How long have you know?" he asks and crosses his arm. "I learned about it the night after I returned back from here after wining your labyrinth." she says. "So you have known that you are a queen for 10 years but has not been here once to take care of things?" Jareth says and looks at her whit small eyes.

"Hey, not my fault. Prim was the one who said that it was not my time to come, not until know." She says. Jareth looks at her. "Why did you not call then?" he says and Sarah looks at him.

"Wait a minute, you know about all of this already!" she says and rises from her throne and looks down on Jareth. "Well..." he starts to say. Sarah looks at him. "Prim has showed you everything has she not?" Sarah says once more. "Yes she has." Jareth says and Sarah lets out a irritating sound, turns around and takes her sword.

"This meeting is over and I do not want to see you." She says and walks past him and walks out of the room. Jareth looks after her with a surprised look on his face.

Sarah walks down to the training room and opens up the door to see Thróindur and Lamia sitting down. "I thought I told you guys to train!" she says and narrows her eyes towards them. Both of them was fast up on there fetes. "Lady Sarah, back already?" Thróindur asks and looks at her. Sarah draws her sword and points it towards both of them. "Common. I have a lot of anger to get rid of." she says and the men in front of her swallowed.

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