Chapter 13-Barbeques Blonds and Backsides

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Hey you crazy bitches--

sorry, that was rude.

So, it's been a while, to say the least! The holiday was great- I actually tanned, FINALLY!- and now I'm back, hoping you guys haven't forgotten about this.

Enough chit-chat, lets get on with it!


Blake's POV

I heard the door close behind Ellie and Avi, then Kirstie spoke.

"Right, guys, we need to plan their date."

"Okay," Mitch said, "we know it'll be at the park. What else?"

We sat in silence for a while, thinking. "Food-wise, what do they both like?" Kevin mused.

"Ellie will eat anything remotely meaty, like pizza, most pasta dishes, any kind of take-out....oh, and barbeque." I told them. All four of their faces split into identical grins.

"Avi loves barbeque!" Scott exclaimed.

"Alright, so we have the place and the food, now we need to find an alcoholic beverage to accompany successfully." Kirstie announced.

"How about a nice Cava rosé?" Mitch asked. "I know a place across town that imports the best, all the way from the south of Spain."

I whistled. "Classy! They're gonna love it!"

"They'd better!" Kirstie joked.


At three o'clock Avi was still painting the dragon, supervised by Ellie, who was supervised by Kirstie, and I was utterly bored.

"Bored." I huffed.

"Wow, you're really that lazy that you've even stopped using full sentences? Impressive. And worrying." Scott grinned.

"Shudup Blondie." I retorted.

"Ouch, right in the feelings!" he laughed, "Anyway, you are too, dum-dum."

I chuckled. "Dumb blond jokes don't offend me 'cause I know I'm not dumb.......I also know I'm not blond."

Mitch went into overdrive. "Are you for real? Do you even own a mirror? You're as blond as I am gay. Which, girlfriend, is 1000%!"

I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, Mitch. It's a self-depreciative joke. I'm basically cancelling it out and calling myself a dumb blond because I said I'm not blond, which I clearly am." I explained.

"Oohhhh! Hahaha, I get it now!' He giggled, then snorted. His eyes widened. "Oh my god, did I really just snort?!"

Scott, Kevin and I were clutching our sides, trying not to screech with laughter.

"Shut up, it's not funny!" Mitch whined, his lower lip jutting out.

"It really kinda is." Kevin grinned.

Kirstie appeared round the side of Ellie's bedroom door. "Guys," she whisper-shouted, "come see this."

We all poked our heads round the door, curious as to what she was referring to. Ellie was sprawled on her bed, openly gawping at Avi's arms, shoulders, back and bum as the muscles rippled with his movements. Even from here, I could see the drool running down her chin. What was even weirder was that Avi turned round every now and then to change paints, and he saw Ellie staring, smiled, and carried on as if nothing had happened! She barely moved, which worried me at first, but then I saw that she was, in fact, still breathing.

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