Chapter 7-A signing and Some alcohol....well, okay, A LOT of alcohol!

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Hey, guys! Again, REEEEAAALLLLY sorry for the late upload, I've had a lot of stuff on, including music appraisals, GCSE performances, revision, drama and just general GAAAAAAHHHHHH-ness. Year 11 (British school) is not fun, don't ever get to it!

ANYWAY, on wit teh storeh.....


Mitch's POV

As we walked out of the studio, I thought I noticed something on Ellie's arm, just extending below her t-shirt sleeve, and made a mental note to ask her later. Right now, all that matters is the managers' opinions, and judging by their expressions isn't best, as they try and stay neutral, considering the amount of hopeful artists that have walked out without their dream. It takes a big toll on the managers, as people are literally letting them shatter their dreams. A lot of the time, other record companies are recommended, as they aren't just looking for the elite, but also the quite-literally-in-some-cases-one-note-away-from-the-elite. Anyway, back to reality: what will the managers say?

Mr. Kalter, our manager, spoke first.

"I'd just like to say, we're honoured to have you perform for us in person, your version of 'Say Something' was absolutely mind-blowing. The raw passion and emotion was palpable, even on video."

" That being said," Miss. Smith, the head of Madison Gate Records, continued,"there are certain...issues that need addressing. For starters, your self confidence," she spoke specifically to Ellie,"is shockingly low, considering the amount of time and effort you have clearly put into finding a singing career. I have been told you moved to LA purely to find a company willing to take you on, because no one in London would. Is that correct?"

"Yeah." Ellie murmured.

"And you also took professional lessons?" Miss Smith enquired.

"Yes." Ellie's voice was stronger now.

"With your skill and determination, you should be more of a diva than Mitch."

Everyone went quiet, looking at me. It took a while for me to catch on.

"HEY!" I squawked,"I am NOT a diva!"

"No," Kirstie chuckled,"you're just REALLY slow on the uptake." We all laughed at this, me included.

"Back to my point, your skills and determination, coupled with your fighting abilities, should man you have unrivalled pompousness. Yet, you're one of the most insecure girls I have ever seen. Now, you don't need to tell us why, but, if we are accepting you, you will take weekly diva lessons from both Mitch and Kirstie, as they are HUGE drama queens."

Ellie's POV

"Okay." I replied,".............................wait, does that mean we're in?!?!"

"I believe it does, welcome to Madison Gate Records." Mr. Kalter smiled, shaking our hands.

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!" Blake and I screamed,"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" we then engulfed everyone in a huge group hug. We all pulled away, Mich staring down at something in his hand, frowning.

"What's that, Mitch?" Avi asked, peering over Mitch's shoulder.

"It's the receipt from the coffee." he replied,"but there's a phone number on the back..........."

"OHMYGOD, MITCH, IT'S KURT'S NUMBER!!" Kirstie shrieked.

"OHMYGOD, I HAVE KURT'S NUMBER!!" Mitch shouted,"we are going clubbing tonight, to celebrate THEM getting signed,"he pointed at me and Blake,"and ME getting Kurt's number."

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