Ch 9 Back Fired Payback

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You tossed off your shoes and groan after the long day. You paused. There was no noise, no Jungkook yelling, no Yoongi snoring, no boys gaming. Something was wrong. After having the whole talk with Jundo, you started to freak out.

You couldn't find the boys. You called Yoongi.

No answer.

Now you really started to freak out. You called Jungkook. He picked up.

"Where are you?" You said in your most calmest voice. You heard shuffling on the other line.

"Y/N?... I'm, me and Yoongi are out right now- hey! Give me back my drink!" He yelled. You sigh knowing exactly where he was at.

"Yoongi! Give me my drink!... Yes it's Y/N on the phone!" He yelled some more. You hung up and felt agitated but reliefed that nothing too bad happened to them. Putting back on your shoes, you prepared yourself to get them.


You drove through the night going to the closest club there was. It was a pretty big club as well. You parked somewhere close and snuck yourself in. You used to come to this club with friends and quite frequently so you were some what a old face.

Walking around, the stench of alcohol and sweat inflamed your nose. You held your nose hoping no one was smoking as well.

"Yeah he's hot." You heard someone say.

"He's like an international playboy though." The other girl said. You shot your head up and immediately went to the girls.

"Excuse me can you tell me where that man you were talking about is?" The girl in the tight black dress pointed you to an area and you thanked them.

As you made your way there, you noticed a very familiar man... surrounded by girls.

You thought those two girls were talking about Jungkook. Oh no, it was Yoongi.

His posture was laid back and his arm wrapped around a girl's shoulder as she laughed and smiled. He grinned fakely having her enter his spell. Three other girls surrounded him, faking their smiles as well.

Your heart was breaking and hurting like crazy.

Jungkook was exactly in the same position and surrounded by girls. The only thing different  about the two boys is that one of them is well... single

Yoongi wanted you to come over there and straddle him and pull him into your arms as he smirked against you knowing he made you jealous. He wanted you to get mad and furious, and all for pay back. It hurt more than you were mad.

You caught eye contact with him, he sent you a devilish smirk. Turning your whole body, you walked towards Jungkook ignoring Yoongi. Your eyes were welting as he grinned watching you. You blocked your face so he couldn't see you on the verge of tears. 

"Oh! It's Y/N! Hey Y/N-" You cut Jungkook off as you grabbed him off of the girls and cut through some of the crowd. There was partying and dancing all around you as you weave through the crowd. 

"Where are we going-" 

You heard Jungkook's voice fade as you dropped. There was a gust of smoke plopped right in front of you. You held your breath as best as you could and found Jungkook's hand leading him out of the hectic club. 

However it was just bad outside, there was a small sized group of men smoking right outside of the entrance. You mentally and now physically hurt. You dropped to your knees and Jungkook was now a bit sober to notice your strangling state.

"Y/N?  Y/N!" You heard him yell. That last breath felt like a knife stabbing at your lungs.



I noticed you walked in and took my first shot to get a bit tipsy. I knew how to hold my liquor so one shot didn't kill me. I just recently talked to a few of Jungkook's girls and got them to surround me. I laid down between them and joked a few stupid and flirtation things to them. In the corner of my eyes, I saw you making you way towards me.

Game face Yoongi...

I grinned to the girls and even slightly placed my arm around one of them but didn't touch her. You were standing somewhat a-ways but still aware of me. 

"Pretty handsome huh?" I faked. The girl I had my arm around laugh. Y/N looked over and I caught her eyes. I smirked knowing she was ready to come over and rip me away. But... something changed, her face darkened and she turned to Jungkook and walked to him.

Okay... she'll come to me after, right?

I waited patiently as she made her way to Jungkook. He said a few words before she grabbed him as he stood up. 

Okay... now me.

I put on a grin ready for her to come take me but she walked off. Through the crowd she disappeared. In a instant, I stood up. The girl squeaked as she fell off. 

"Hey!" She yelled. I didn't even care and ran off. 

I got surrounded  by servers and  people who bought drinks for me as I denied them and scrambled around to find Y/N. I spotted her on the ground and a man smoking nearby. I ran to the man and pushed him away. She took Jungkook's hand and weaved out. I scooted through the people trying to get out. I fumbled to the ground as  I tripped on someone's foot on accident. He apologized but I ran out already to hear him.

Smokers. They were everywhere. I frantically found Y/N on the ground and out. Jungkook was carrying her and I ran to them in a worry. 

"She's fine. No hospitals, it'll just freak her out more." Jungkook said patting your face a bit. You groan and I sighed in relief knowing you were still slightly conscience. 

"We should go just in case-"

"Tomorrow." Jungkook said. I glared at him.

What is he? Her boyfriend? 

"When did you decide what's best for her?" I argued. Jungkook rolled his eyes and found the car close by with your keys he found in your pocket. I ran behind following him.



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