Ch 4 Little Games

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You had a quick lunch with Yoongi and returned before anyone else. Tightly, you held his hand and weaved yourself through the crowd, ignoring the constant looks from people recognizing you two. The dark back stage room light up as you turned on the light. 

As you placed your things down, you noticed Jundo out on the stage. He was just sitting there like no one was around. Like he was in his own world. 

"Y/N..." Yoongi said behind you. Getting a bit scared, you turned around and gave him a 'huh' look. Yoongi gave you a serious stare obvious catching you getting a glance at Jundo.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi growled. You let out a chuckle with a nervous feeling.

Why am I even nervous?...

"Let's get set up for Leeho's game." You said getting back to your normal state. You turn to the stage and Jundo walked down from the stage, nearly bumping into you.

You felt a pair of arms right behind you as you paused. Jundo was awkwardly stuck in front of you and Yoongi's arm was wrapped around your shoulders.

"Hey, Jundo." Yoongi let out cockily. You looked away embarrassed if Yoongi was going to do something dumb.

"Hey, can I walk past you guys. I need to go to the bathroom." He said. Yoongi snorted and nodded.

"Sure." He moved you and himself away and let the man go. He walked past without much emotion and your eyes followed him. Yoongi looked to you.

"Can't you just drop him?" Yoongi asked. You huffed deeply.

"I can't. He got assigned to me." You said walking down from the stairs and propped open a bag.

"Can you quit then?" Yoongi said almost in a plead. You roll your eyes.

"I can't do that either Yoongi." You said. He sighed. You looked at your board and felt his hands wrap around your waist.

"I miss you." He said. You ignored his  geeky remark as you looked at the game plan for Leeho's game.

"You're so busy with work... It's stressing me out." He joked. You heard that and laughed.

"You just have more free time on your hands." You mumbled and walked out of this grasp grabbing some water bottled to line them up.

"Aish... Why can't you be my manager... I'll definitely go to work everyday." Yoongi said. You laughed and  heard the doors shuffled.

A familiar man was struggling with his bag that he was sliding in and fell back a big as he tugged it through the door. The clumsy man turned around fixing his glasses.

"Namjoon!" You yelled running to give your brother a hug. He grinned wide fully and embraced you into his arms.

"When did you get here?" You asked. He looked at the time.

"About 20 minutes ago but I spilled my coffee on my shirt earlier because the cup broke so I went and changed." He said rubbing his neck. You snickered.

"Clumsy Namjoon huh?" You laughed. Yoongi came over to greet your brother.

"Hey, did the meeting go well?" He asked. Namjoon nodded.

"We negotiated to your next game soon." He responded. Yoongi exhaled thankful.

Loud laughter filled the doors as you shot your head to see Leeho, Sunhee, and HyeNa come out of the doors. They were laughing loudly and caught eyes with Namjoon and stopped.

"Who's this?" Sunhee asked. HyeNa gasped.

"It's Unnie's brother, Namjoon oppa." She said remembering him. HyeNa sent him a odd look.

"Have we met him?" She said confused. HyeNa nodded.

"I did a long time ago but he rarely swings by." HyeNa said. You laughed. They looked at you.

"Who am I versing?" Leeho said noticing your clip board in your hand.

"KeeNo, remember him? You should be fine but make sure to make those attacks count." You said. He nodded. HyeNa looked around after noticing someone was missing.

"Where's Jundo?"



Jundo walked out of the stall to go wash my hands and noticed someone walking in. It was Yoongi. A small snicker escaped Yoongi's lips. He walked over next to Jundo and started to wash his hands.

"How are you?" He said with a devilish smirk plastered across his face.

Jundo didn't say anything and just headed for the sink to wash his hands. His smirk never left him.

"Happy? Now that you're closer to Y/N?" He added. No response. It triggered Yoongi a bit.

"No response? Is it cause you're-"

"Have another word come out of your mouth and see what'll happen to your little games that you're playing with me." Jundo said pulling up to him. Yoongi stared hard at the man and Jundo walked away. He made his way to the door and stopped.

"Oh, and I didn't come here for you or Y/N." Jundo said before leaving the bathrooms.



The ball of your foot tapped repeatedly as you waited for Yoongi to come back. Leeho was on in 10 minutes so you prepared him as is. As time past, you saw Jundo appear as he sat on a bench pressing his back against the wall. Your eyes fluttered around the entrance as you awaited for Yoongi to appear.

"On in 1..." You said looking back at your clip board. Leeho nodded and took a deep breath as he prepared to get up on the stairs.

"And here today we have Choi Leeho!" The announcer said. The crowd went ballistics as you cheered him on. You heard shuffling behind you and noticed Yoongi appear back.

"Where were you?!" You asked worried. His face was plain and a bit stone. Your finger caressed his jaw as you brought his face to you.

"You okay?" You said quietly. He nodded with a small smile. You peck his lips and his smile grew just a bit. You looked back to the stage as you heard the announcer say Leeho lost a life.


At the end of the game, Leeho lost to the man and shook hands and went separate ways. Surprisingly Leeho was still happy.

"I'll play him next week and beat him for sure!" Leeho said. You chuckled.

"Okay everyone, head home. Come for practice tomorrow as well. Thank you!" You announced. Leeho, Sunhee, and HyeNa nodded walking all out together. Yoongi was waiting patiently on a bench for you talking with Namjoon.

A arm grasped at your shoulder and you whipped around. Jundo's face darken almost like he was forcing himself. His arm trembled as he clenched his jaw.

"I... Need a favor."



Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait. I've been very busy last month and most likely this month as well, but after that I'll start back up with normal uploads. I have plans for some new books and hope you guys will enjoy those. Thank you guys for waiting patiently and I'll make sure to post another chapter soon! Thank you for reading!

Love Yourself!

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