Ch 3 Just The Beginning

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The keys jingles as you closed the studio once again. Jundo was behind you and you handed him his jacket he left. You walked past him.

"Wait Y/N." He said. You stopped and turned around.

"Leeho's game is at 12pm tomorrow." You said and turned back around and walked away.

As you made your way to your car, you let go of the breath you were holding in.  The fact that he had the guts to show up to you again made you sick. It was crazy enough that he knew it was you and still went.

The moments of that day you last saw of him flashed in your mind. A chill ran up and down your spine as you got into your car.


"You're home late."

You nodded and tossed your bag on the counter. Yoongi walked up to you and gave your cheek a kiss.

"What happened?" He asked. You sighed and looked down. He knew something was wrong.

"Kim Y/N. What's wrong?" He said. You licked your lips and looked up to him.

"H-He's back Yoongi. I-I don't know what to do- I can't quit-" Your words could get out correctly as you felt like breaking down.

"Slow down Y/N. Tell me what happened?" He said lifting your head to look at him.

"Jundo. He's back."


You explained everything yesterday night. Waking up early, you had Leeho's game. Yoongi decided to go with you for safety purposes. He was worried for you, and didn't want you to go to work now. You needed to though. It was the only source of income you had for now.

"Let's go Yoongi." You said and heard him coming down. His hair was a bit ruffled like morning hair and his eyes half closed. A blanket was in his hand along with a tiny pillow. You chuckle at him.

"Mkay. Let's go."


You made your way to the building and parked. Yoongi was in the passenger's seat, chair back, and blanket covered. You shook him slowly.

"Wake up Yoongi." You shook his shoulder. He groaned and looked around. You pulled your bag from the back and grabbed the blankets and pillows, tossing them to the back.

You walked out and got the sleepy Yoongi to wake up a bit more. It would be embarrassing to see him like this in public, you combed your hand through his hair and gently patted his face with face cream. He looked okay.

Both of you guys began walking and he intertwined his hand with yours as you guys made it through the back.


"Leeho! You're on in 5." You shouted. He nodded. Yoongi stood besides you at all times. However, Jundo seemed like he wasn't going to show up.

"2 minutes!" You shouted going around to make sure everything was okay. Yoongi watched from afar after noticing he was getting in your way.

"Alright, you ready?" You said to Leeho. He nodded and you noticed HyeNa and Sunhee came. They walked over to you two.

"You're on after the announcer says your name. Fighting." You said.

"Fighting!" You heard Sunhee and HyeNa say.

"And~ Choi Leeho!" He said. Leeho ran up the stairs and the crowd boombed. It was his 12th game after winning all of his others. He became a new booming face to the company.

The announcer was saying the rules and you felt HyeNa behind you.

"Why is Yoongi here? He never comes..." She said. You looked behind her and Yoongi seemed like he was going to fall asleep. You snickered and his head jolted up. Bright red and blushed, Yoongi blinked open his eyes to meet yours.

You noticed a figure behind him.

Oh crap.

You cursed to yourself. Jundo appeared behind Yoongi.

"And now we will begin!" The announcer said. You froze.

"HyeNa! Go distract Jundo for me." You whispered. She gave you a weird look. You glared at her as he moved closer.

"Now. Please." You basically sounded like you were begging. She nodded and went off before Yoongi could see him. You walked over to grab Yoongi and pulled him along with you.

"Is it over already?" He asked rubbing his eyes. You sighed.

"It just started."


Leeho ended his game with a victory and you had no clue as to where HyeNa took Jundo. She probably just bothered him with a ton of questions like usual.

"Good job Leeho!" You congratulated him and patted his back. He smiled and you saw a women with a baby walking to him. She bowed to you.

This must be them.

You smiled.

"Hello. I'm Kim Y/N. Leeho's manager and coach." You said shaking her other unoccupied hand.

"I'm Kemmi." She said smiling, her eyes formed crescents. The baby started to cry and she bowed excusing herself out to care for her baby. Leeho bowed and walked away along with her.

You felt a pair of arms behind you. It was Yoongi. A smile spread across your face. No one was around and it was just you two.

"Hey." He said connecting his lips with yours. Your face started to heat up as his arms wrapped around your body. Throwing your arms around his neck, you laughed as he smirked between the kisses. He trailed down to your neck as you tried pushing him away. You could feel the intensity.

"We're in public." You mumbled in a whisper.

"And?" He said in defense. You rolled your eyes and felt his hands travel to your hip. You pulled him away and he sent you a smile before attacking your lips again.

"Have you seen America? I want to go to America. It's too far though, plus I have to work on my gaming skills before I go abroad..."

You pulled Yoongi away after hearing HyeNa around the corner. You two stood still as HyeNa appeared with Jundo and Sunhee.

Sunhee looked bored and used to HyeNa talking this much and the former, Jundo, looking a bit agitated and frustrated.

Yoongi noticed immediately and you placed your hand with his to make sure he wouldn't do anything dumb right then and there.

"Oh, hey Y/N." HyeNa said smiling. She sent you a wave before skipping over to you.

"Leeho's next game is at 4:30. Can you guys make it?" You asked. HyeNa nodded taking out a juice from her pocket.

"I have work. I won't be here." Sunhee said. You nodded respectfully.

"That's fine." You said. Jundo looked at you and then to Yoongi.

"I'll be here." He let out. You could feel Yoongi's hand tighten. HyeNa poked a hole in her juice and started to drink it.

"Okay then. HyeNa, Jundo, you guys are free. I'll be back around 4." You said wavering yourself off. You felt Jundo's gaze as you left with Yoongi still in hand.

It's going to be a long day...

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