Ch. 8- Here We Go

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Ch. 8- Here We Go


I landed were we left Amber.

"This is where we left her." I was kind of nervous about coming back. What if Bard forgot about me? What if he doesn't like me after I left him? I was always full of what if's.

Amber crawled slowly out of the cave. Violet bounced over to her joyfully. Soon they were chasing each other. "Hey, Amber," I said, petting her head. "I'm going to go find Bard. Be back soon."

I went straight for the village and did my best to remember which house he lived in. I ended up standing in the middle of the pathway like an idiot.

"Star? Starfire?" I turned around and saw a boy, about nine years of age. "Is that really you?" he asked, a giant basket next to him.

"Bard?" He was like half a foot taller. He nodded three times, eyes still wide from shock.

"Starfire!" he yelled, running up to me and giving me a hug. "Star!" he started to sob.

"Its okay, Bard. It's alright. Calm down, bud. Calm down."

He gasped and pulled back. His eyes wide as if he was realizing something important suddenly. "Star, you need to get out of here! Now!" he picked up his basket, used a strap to carry it on his back and grabbed my hand, running towards the nearby forest.

"What? Why?" I got no response, only heavy breathing from running with the heavy looking basket. "Bard, what is going on?" I asked, halfway to our dragons.

"Do you remember Shark?" he asked, frantically, searching for something in the distance.

"Your older cousin? Yeah. Why?"

"He demanded that when you showed up again, y'all would be married. Whether you like it or not."


"Shush! Someone might hear! Come on, you can stay with Amber and Violet. I'll be there as much as I can. I almost always am anyways."


"Yeah, of course. I love flying and playing with Amber. She's my best friend," he said, pulling me towards our dragons.

I already knew that. "Glad to hear. I feel the same way about Violet." He already knew that.

"Amber!" he called when we got there. Two dragons turned to the source of the sound. Violet dropped the small tree they were playing with to greet Bard. "Violet! Hey, girl. Long time no see. I'm happy to see you, too." Violet was excited to see Bard- to say the least. "Violet! Haha, Violet! Nice to see you, too."

"Come on, Vi. Get off Bard." When Violet finally obeyed, Bard brushed himself off. "Wanna race, Bard?"

"Yeah! It's been a while since we had our last race!" We raced to our dragons, and Bard told me of an uninhabited island nearby. We were to race around the mountain and back.

"Ready," I started.

"Set," Bard said, grinning at me and Violet.

"GO!" we shouted together, zooming off the Earth.

Violet, being smaller and faster, being a Night Fury and all, quickly went passed Amber and Bard. Changewing dragons were fast but still slower than a Night Fury.

I stood on Violet's back, careful of the wind, and walked back, one step away from her tail fins. "Hey, slow poke! Catch me if you can!" I shouted at Bard before sitting back in Violet's saddle. Within five minutes, Violet was going around the mountain, going slower so Amber and Bard could keep Violet sight.

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