Ch. 9- An Odd Symbol

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Ch. 9- An Odd Symbol


"Still haven't found them, yet?"

I sighed at Bard's comment.

"What do you think?" I sneered. "Anyways, is that any way to great your world traveling sister?"

"Hmm, guess not. Welcome back, Star. Nice to see you again, Vi." The nine year old brat hugged the dragon before his sister. He smirked while he hugged me. "It's what you get for not writing for almost a year, let alone your absence for a year and a half. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me."

"Gods, you sound like a stuck up teenager," I complained. "I mean, come on, what are you? Eight?"

He frowned. "You know exactly how old I am. Don't even start that. Besides, I had to grow up quickly. It's not easy being the chief's forgotten nephew."

I softened my tone. "They kicked you out already?"

"No. And they won't as long as Auntie has anything to say about it. How's that tail doing?"

"Eh, it's working. I need to make some adjustments, though. Violet is still growing, and the equipment is getting to be too small for her. The both of us, actually."

Bard smiled, dumping the basket to its side, revealing its contents. Amber nor Violet hesitated to dig in. "So, you're staying a while?"

"Yup. Do I still need my cloak?"

"Nah, Shark found him a new girl a few months ago. She's changing him for the better. Besides, it's been years since he last saw you. You were just a kid."

I sighed, "Yeah. A lot's changed, hasn't it, little brother?"

"Yeah, it really has." I felt like I was missing something, but let it go. If Bard wanted to tell me, he would. If he didn't, it's his life, not mine. I was just the "adopted" sister who showed up for a week or two a few times a year, excluding the last year and a half. He didn't need to tell me about his personal life if he didn't want to.

"So, are you enjoying life here at Sapphire Island?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Eh, I enjoyed life more with you."

"You could always join me, you know. I wouldn't mind; neither would Violet."

"Nah, after all these years, I'm finally starting to make friends. My lack of dragon killing doesn't help, but my blacksmithing makes up for a lot of that."

"Really? You're-"

"Yup. Working at the blacksmith. His only son died last year of sickness, and his wife just passed in a dragon raid, so they need someone to carry on the trade. I offered, Uncle quickly agreed, and boom! I'm the apprentice. And I like working there. I feel like I belong."

I smiled, "Good. I'm glad. You deserve to be happy."

"Well, I'd be happier if they stopped killing dragons." He looked up at the sky. I followed his gaze, realizing the time. "Speaking of which, I have some news for you. It's getting late, though, and it's a long story. So, I'll tell you tomorrow. The blacksmith plans on working late tonight, just letting you know. You can probably sneak in tomorrow to do all the adjusting you need. Anyways, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Bard."

He called his departure to the dragons before running to his home. I sighed and went to the already made palette in the cave. Without much of an appetite, I went to sleep without dinner.


"Star," Brother complained, laughing. "Stop!"

"Okay," little me agreed.

How To Find Your Family (HTTYD Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora