Ch. 12- A Chance To Start A Life

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Ch. 12- A Chance To Start A Life


I woke in a room, on a bed. At first, I was too startled to do much, then I remembered where I was. I looked around the room to find it empty of any other living thing.

"Violet!" I shouted, jumping out of the bed. I ran downstairs to find the boy heading towards me. I looked around the room.

"Oh, good, you're awake. I was just-"

"Where's Violet?" I asked in an accusing tone. He held his hands up and took a step forward. "Stay back and tell me where Violet is," I said, taking an uneasy step back. My back hit something, and I looked back to find a wall blocking my path. I looked back to find the boy still walking towards me. I stepped sideways, into the corner and the opposite way to the stairs (genius, I know). "Stay back," I repeated, scared but trying to sound firm.

"Relax. Violet's outside with Toothless, eating breakfast," Hiccup soothed. I don't think I sounded very threatening. "Relax. No one's going to hurt you. You and Violet are both safe here, I promise."

I lowered my guard and relaxed, somewhat. Hiccup smiled, lowering his hands. "O- okay. Can you," I trailed off, not knowing how to ask without sounding distrustful.

Hiccup, however, chuckled and waved me forward. "Sure. They're right this way. Come on." I followed Hiccup outside, where- sure enough- Violet was eating her fill beside Toothless.

"Violet!" I shouted. I ran to her, pausing to let her sit on her hind legs, then wrapped my arms around her. "You're okay!"

Hiccup laughed, making me jump. "See? I told you she was fine." I tried to relax, but found it difficult. "Hey, are you okay? You seem kind of- I don't know- jumpy today."

I nodded, "Yeah. Perfect. I'm just not- you know- used to being around people. I'm not used to belonging anywhere, really," I trailed off, lowering my voice as I pet Violet, who purred then went back to her breakfast.

A hand rested gently on my shoulder, but I jumped despite knowing who it was. "Hey, don't say that. You belong here. You and Violet both do. You don't have to worry about anything, ever again."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"Because I am. Call it a gut feeling or something, but I know you are meant to be here, on Berk. I'm sure it'll be quite the change from traveling the world, but everyone here is happy you're here and more than happy to help in any way you need, especially me- and my dad," he added, quickly.

"Oh, speaking of which, um, is there something about the name Starfire or something. Everyone seemed to recognize it, earlier." I was hopeful of the answer, I won't lie. I barely recognize anything, and I also remember my village hating dragons, but I longed to find my family. If the one village I found already friendly to dragons had my family, then what better end to my search?

He avoided my gaze and scratched the back of his head, nervously. "Uh, nope. Not really. Why do you ask?"

"Um, because everyone seemed to recognize it earlier," I repeated. "I was just curious. Sorry for asking. I was just- I don't know," I cut myself off, too embarrassed to finish. It was my turn to avoid eye contact.

Hiccup was all too quick to reassure me I was fine. As Violet finished her meal, our eyes met. Could this really be it? Should I continue my search, or should I just give up and accept the fact Violet is my only family? I sighed, looking at the ground. I would stay for a while. I would have to get used to staying somewhere more than a few days when- or if- I finally found my family.

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