Ch. 20- Gem the Dragon

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Ch. 20- Gem the Dragon


"There," I pointed at a distant island, ending the conversation.

"This island? Star, are you kidding me?" he asked bewildered.

"Nope, why?"

"This island is full of Speed Stingers! It's not safe!" He stopped Toothless from going any closer to the island. I had Violet turn to face them, and we just hovered.

"Hiccup, it's perfectly fine. I've been here plenty of times. Besides, we'll be landing right by the cave. Then we'll go in, and bam! No worries about the Speed Stingers."

He looked wary, but agreed, "If you say so." Okay, so he kinda agreed, but close enough.

I led him on the other side of the island before landing beside a cave. I hopped off of Violet and walked calmly to the entrance.

"Star, are you sure it's safe?" he asked, cautiously.

I turned to see he wasn't even off Toothless yet. He was that worried. I wondered why. Speed Stingers weren't that bad. Nearly impossible to train without separating them, but not that bad.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now hurry." I rushed everyone in the cave and picked up a torch I left lying around. "Vi." As told, Violet lit the end on fire, and we went further into the maze.

Hiccup stayed close behind. Violet ran ahead then would run back, so she was in and out of sight. At first, Toothless stayed by Hiccup, then he ran off to play with Violet. Whenever they reappeared, they would jerk their heads, wanting us to hurry up.

"How deep are we going?" asked Hiccup, after an hour.

"Relax. We're almost there. It's pretty deep. You remember that lake we flew over that seemed to glow?"

"Yeah. Wait, we're going there? It's in the middle of the island!"

"Yup. It'll be worth the walk, trust me."

"If Gem is in the lake, why didn't we just go there?" he asked, like a complaint.

I turned my head to look at him, still leading the way. "I thought you wanted to stay away from the Speed Stingers." He didn't respond. "I mean, Speed Stingers aren't that bad, but I'd rather avoid them if I can. Besides, I love these caves. They have this feeling about them. Can't you feel it?"

He visibly relaxed and admitted, "Yes."

I smiled and took his hand with my free one. "Truth be told, I also think this is great bonding time. Just the two of us."

He smiled at me and tightened his grip on my hand. "Yeah, it is." We walked for a few more minutes before he noticed the absence of our two Night Furies. "Where are Toothless and Violet? They should've been back by now."

He was genuinely concerned about the safety of our dragons, probably his more so than mine, but whatever, so I decided to ease his mind. "Relax, Gem's room is right around this bend. Toothless is probably there with Violet, safe and sound."

He relaxed at my explanation but sped up his pace. Whether it was to see Gem or Toothless, I still have no idea.

Less than a minute later, he pointed at the glow coming from around the corner in the otherwise dark cave.

"Is that it?" he asked.

"Yup, it is. Come on, I bet Gem is waiting." I dragged him along, running around the corner. I hadn't stopped to see Gem since before my year and a half trip outside the archipelago. I wondered if she still remembered me.

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