Ch. 14- Dragon Race

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Chapter 14- Dragon Race!


"Racers!" Stoick called. "On your mark!"

We all prepared to take off.

"Get set!"

I leaned my body against Violet, gripping the handles on her saddle tightly. I couldn't wait to race! I would love to win.


We all took off without hesitation. We flew to a certain spot before we all turned around to start to the race.

"Come on, Vi. Let's win this thing!"

I tailed Hiccup and Toothless as I got a feel for the track. I watched the twins and Snoutlout get violent and literally pulled out hammer and swords to swing as they passed by each other.

"Are they trying to kill each other?" I called out, worried.

"Relax, Star," Hiccup smiled. "It's just a game. No one's going to get hurt. Look, sheep!"

The two sheep ran through the forest. A third ran farther up ahead and a little to the left, closer to Hiccup than me. I narrowed in on one of the two sheep as did Hiccup. Violet dived after the last set of trees and snatched both of the sheep in her claws.

"Yeah, baby!" I cheered. As we flew up to gain altitude before the end of the clearing, Toothless came from below and yanked a sheep out of Violet's claws. "Hey!" I shouted.

"Sorry, Star, see you on the flipside!" He took off, only one sheep in hand.

"Ugh! Come on, Vi, let's go get that other sheep." Without trouble, we doubled back and grabbed it before going back to the village and dropping the two sheep in our net.

Fishlegs had two. Hiccup had one. Astrid had one. The twins and Snoutlout had zero. And I, of course, just got my first two points.

I turned out, seeing the twins fly back to the forest and decided to follow them. It became a competition between us and the four sheep up ahead. Violet swerved between the trees, rolling so I could grabbed a sheep on the way. The twins cheered and broke through the canopy, three sheep in tow (the dragon had one and the twins carried the other two).

I sighed and flew passed them to the village. Hiccup flew in beside me with three sheep in tow.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked, smugly.

"Good. Good. And you?"

"Oh, you know, things are always good for the winner."

"Too bad you won't be the winner," I said.

"Really? What makes you say that?"

"Revenge. Violet, under pass."

"What?" he asked, and Violet flew under him and rolled, snatching both sheep from Toothless. "Hey!" he called as we rounded the last corner before the nets.

I quickly threw all of the sheep into my net, earning cheers from the crowd. "Pay back: it's a treat, just not for you!" I taunted, zooming away.

"Oh, I'm so gonna get you for that!" he called, throwing his one sheep into the net.

"That's what they all say, Hiccup. That's what they all say!"

Points piled up, fast. Sheep were tossed into nets mercilessly.

Fishlegs: 7

The twins: 8

Snoutlout: 7

Astrid: 7

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